Safe site to download older games? to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 36 points –

E: gave me some options which I need to test, but for now I'm calling it SOLVED, thanks!

I know I'm not meant to ask for a specific title, but it's the second in the series where you age up your empire wink wink..
Looking for the HD edition in English, so far I just keep getting Russian versions, if I risk downloading at all, since most the sites that are coming up in my search look dodgy af..


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An admirable sentiment.

The fact that a game is Steam-only is good enough reason to pirate it.

Yeah, the other day I'd gone to play another older game I had already pirated and played loads, but not for a while, and it suddenly wouldn't run without steam. Like tf? So I deleted it and pirated an updated copy that runs fine lol

I refuse to use these kinds of 3rd party services, I just want a copy of the game that I know is safe on my machine.

E: speaking of which - I've just been testing the games I downloaded off the back of this post, and one is now stuck looking for steam subscriptions before it will run, on to the next!

I do wonder how pirated games can somehow stop working after a while. I'm guessing there's some sort of anti-piracy thing that hasn't quite been fully removed. I had this experience with one game which was known to have Denuvo; a newer crack fixed it.