Founder and primary developer of Moderator Toolbox for Reddit quits both Reddit and the project to – 155 points –

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People who feel the need to announce their departure from social media platforms are ridiculous.

It’s a dev annnpincing they’re discontinuing a project for software that people use and rely on.

Got any more shit takes you’d like to “announce?”

This might also be a shit take, but you're both right IMO. On the one hand people announcing they're off social media IS pretty melodramatic, but on the other hand, the person doing it also developed a very popular mod toolbox and it's probably important for those that use it to know he's stepping away.

The vast majority of the time, yes… but if someone built tools and volunteered their time to help make that platform better, I’ll cut them some slack.

If you don't understand why he's doing it then you've never done anything of value w/r/t community projects and your opinion belongs in the toxic wasteland with all the others.


Presidents who feel the need to announce their resignations are ridiculous.

(yes, exaggerated, but someone who does something very important for many communities still makes sence.)