3 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Scientist, Drummer, Dog Owner person.

Solid attempt, but you've already demonstrated that you have no idea how to properly stuff a box.

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And there it is. They're going to implement a system that will enable them to remove mods without cause, justified by anonymous voting...when they have millions of bots that can vote however Reddit wants them to. People said they'd replace mods and instill puppets and this is quite literally that.

Won't solve thile moderation shit show it will cause but the removing the mods forcibly part is now in the works.

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Whoever packaged these is an idiot.

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All due respect to my fellow lemmings, but the ones in these comments are vastly over complicating this. It's extremely simple - you give that info away, and you do it happily. Here's an extremely simple example of every single one of your questions:


  • you explore job postings on linked in. You upload your resume to Google drive. You say where you work/what you do on your social media. Your bank statements get emailed. You check your credit through an email reminder.


You subscribe to websites with particular political leanings. The content you engage with on social media falls in certain political camps. You interact primarily with people that also have those leanings. You block or avoid content that is not to your politcal liking. Every like and subscribe is your personality and political affiliation.


You searched "symptoms of (insert thing here)." You ordered a next brace on Amazon. Your doctor sends your invoice to your Gmail account. Cvs emails you your receipts.


See politics.

browsing info

Google literally sells everything you do. It's their business model. Every time you're signed in with Google it's tracking what you do. Every email you receive. Everything you click on. Every item you purchase. Every review you fill out. Google sells it all, and you'd be amazed how fast they do it. Fun experiment, go buy something - jeans, a shirt, shoes, drums, and guitar, whatever from a new place you haven't shopped before. Go buy it and have the invoice go to your Gmail account. Then get on Instagram...time how long or far you scroll before you see an ad for a similar product. Perhaps even a brand you comparison shopped.

You tell it all these things. Whether you realize you're doing it or not, you tell it everything it wants to know just by using your phone. Google sells it, instametathreads buys it, learns more, and then sells what it learns back to Google and advertisers. Rinse, repeat.

Been there. Happened to me in grad school but I woke up to a bat on my leg. Thing with bats ks you can't tell if they bit you because their teeth leave little baby pinpricks that look like damn near everything else that bites, including mosquitoes.

I got a bill for $13,000. Basically 1000 for every shot to the ass they gave me. I had to pay it from my student loans. Yay America.

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You have probably noticed but never appreciated that men don't usually have big hips to keep our pants up (or more specifically our waists and hips tend to be very close to the same size). Some men do, but even well fitting pants slide down on me without a belt. My wife is always amazed when we take our measurements and the hip to waist ratio is so wildly different. She's like "I knew women's hips were bigger but Jesus Christ".

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Not speaking for OP, but I do it because if you block communities they don't show up when you browse by "all". That's my preferred way to find new stuff (even if it's meme heavy). I like that it's as easy to hide communities I'm not interested in as it is to subscribe to new communities. It's a great feature.

Damn voyager, sync, infinity all within like 24 hours of each other!

Never heard of voyager previously but I'll give it a shot! Liking infinity a lot too. Both your apps should copy connects feature of blocking users and instances right from the post. It's super handy, especially when you realize someone is spamming, just give them the ol block and forget about it.

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Have you tried having better luck?

Idk about everyone else, but I sort by new on Lemmy and "all" WAY more than I ever would on reddit. Even sorting by new or all on reddit it just shuffles around the same 100 posts they want you to see. Here people post about all kinds of stuff!

I was thinking today how ridiculously accurate silicone valley (the show) has turned out to be. It feels like CEOs and mid level managers all watched that show and completely missed the fact that it was SATIRE.

Hate the Catholic Church (I do) or religion as a whole (I also do), but per the article:

St. Theresa School argued Crisitello’s pregnancy violated the terms of her employment agreement, which required “employees to adhere to the teachings of the Catholic Church and refrain from premarital sex,” court documents say.

Agree or disagree, that all fine, but the exact reason for termination is verbatim in her contract which she signed well ahead of being fired. Is it prudish, archaic, and nonsensical? Yes. But did she sign a contract saying she wouldn't do that and then get fired for doing that thing? Also yes.

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I'm in my late 30s, and I've been around the block so I'll share mine. In terms of worst time being broken up with, that was my last ex prior to my wife, and she did a number on me. It was entirely my fault and all of the red flags were there and I ignored them and she's a huge cautionary tale that I won't go into because honestly I don't like thinking about her. I didn't really get a say in the breaking up, and looking back I'm so very glad it happened but it still crushed me emotionally for a long time.

The second, and really the harder of the two, was the hardest thing I've ever done. It was my longest relationship (4 years) up until my now wife (married 3 years, together 7). I met her in my early twenties. When we both graduated our programs, we'd only been together a little over a year and didn't plan on staying together. She wasnt sure where she'd do her master's, I wasn't sure where I'd be working. As luck would have it though, we both ended up in the same place, and stayed together another three years. The last six months or so of that relationship I realized how completely miserable I was with everything but her. I loved her, I still do to this day and always will, but I hated my job. I hated where I lived. I hated being so far from my family and friends. And it got to a point where I needed to tell her and figure out how to move forward. So after a long work trip I spent 5 days with her and told her how I felt and she understood but she loved it where we were and wanted to stay for her PhD, which would be after another year of her current program...six more years. She was happy where she was and she could see I wasn't happy and we talked and thought up scenario after scenario before we came to accept that we needed different fuckin hurt man. We knew it couldn't keep working without someone resenting the other and we realized life was taking us different places. We broke up 2 days in, I spent the rest of the time with her and there were many tears and lots of pain and lots of last moments together that we savored.

It hurt so badly because nobody did anything wrong. We didn't stop loving each other, we didn't stop caring, nobody cheated, we didn't grow apart so much as life pulled us in different directions. That's probably what hurt the most, is how much I/we didn't want to end it, but how we both realized we had to. Life happens and that's okay, but it hurts sometimes. I am happily married now, and she is too and we're good friends now. My wife is my best friend and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I am happy for her and her husband is great and I can see how happy she is. I am not upset with how either of our lives turned out, but I also know there will always be some regret there.

Would you fucking stop please?

"I'm kinda horny"

"Should we bone tonight?"

"When do you wanna have sex"

"Hold on let me brush my teeth"

These area a few of our regulars!

Don'take the mistake of thinking Grindr cares about the community. They're a company that saw an unexploited market demographic and capitalized on it. That's all they are.

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That's not run down, that's a warehouse. Is it falling apart? Is the flooring worn? Are the walls cracking? Ceilings leaking? That's what run down means, not whatever your weird complaint is about the decor and color scheme is.

This is correct.

That's the "you gotta take these before I wake up covered in bbq sauce and shame" friend. They're rare but always a delight

I would not have thought that was a one star review based on the text. It kinda sounds like glowing praise.

This is what I wish more lemmings would grasp. I've commented before how there's this disillusionment that reddit actually died when a bunch of people left. It didn't. The sooner everyone can stop being in denial about that, the better.

The situation is really more akin to an abusive ex and the people that left realizing that they're better off without them. You're in a better place. Stop talking about, focusing on the drama that your ex brought and just embrace your newer better environment.

Millions of people are in that situation and don't leave because they've been manipulated, they're scared, and in this case addicted. My brother in law switched from Apollo to the official app and hates it, complains every day, and says reddit sucks now...but won't leave.

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Recognized that it was part of what makes me successful and learned to control it a little. For example, when I struggled with getting things done on time, I learned to set deadlines for myself and stuck to them. I realized that I work better when I know I'm a little up against the clock, so I kind of built that in for myself. The hard part is the not moving the deadline. You can't view it as moveable or it doesn't work.

I also ask myself "how long is it going to take" and most things if the answer is less than five minutes, I just try to force myself to do it and get it out of the way.

For other recurring things I do them on a schedule. So like, every weekend there are things around the house I need to do. It doesn't matter when I do them but I have to get them done the day I say I will. That's the deal Iake myself and it helps.

Those are some of my personal hacks. They don't work for everyone but they work for me.

I am on team work from home personally, but the reality is we will have to compromise a bit, and I think a hybrid environment is where the sweet spot is. I still work remote about 90% of the time, but realistically I think 60-80% remote, 20-40% in office is ideal and tenable for just about every work type where remote work is feasible.

There is benefit to being in person with your colleagues, there is benefit to having a centralized area for congregating, meeting with outside stakeholders, etc. However, there is absolutely no reason to be in the office all day every day. It makes no sense. The bulk of employees spend AT LEAST 50% (rank and file probably closer to 85-90%?) of their time working alone, by themselves. Let them do that wherever the fuck they want. If the work is getting done, leave them the fuck alone and let them work in their PJs or on their couch or whatever.

A hybrid environment also keeps your work force local and prevents us all from being outsourced. If we all insist on working remote full time then there is absolutely no reason for employers not to offer our jobs to someone living somewhere that's cheaper to live. Sure, we could correct over time and move to a lower cost of living place to compete, but is that really what you want? Do you want to leave your home, friends, family, etc just to chase the job you already have solely because they won't pay you what they already do to stay where you are? If you own a home do you want the value to tank as demand plummets? If your rent is cheap do you want it to skyrocket because displaced remote workers are flooding your town in a rush to capitalize?

I suspect that's actually part of the problem. Zoom is being ditched for teams left and right - so many enterprise companies already have Office on all their machines on the network. Why would they continue to pay for zoom (who I believe jacked up their prices to capitalize on the COVID influx) when teams is included in their software suite and serves the exact same function, with additional functionality? Not saying teams is as good/better/worse than zoom, but it serves the same purpose. There are also concerns over zooms security, which isn't helped by a huge inrease in cyber attacks just about everywhere - that's also very problematic for zoom since Teams already requires MFA through authenticator to help prevent the latter.

The Zoom peak declining combined with a competitor rapidly growing means they're losing money, and of course the only solution to that is to force employees back into the office. I mean what else could you possibly do? There's simply no other solution to this problem. They've tried nothing so far and it hasn't worked so, really theor hand has been forced.

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Don't worry, your pessimism isn't totally misplaced. See that big "natural gas" line?

Natural gas is just a more palatable word for methane, and burning methane is still putting an enormous amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. But methane by itself is like 10x worse than CO2 and the EPA estimates as much as 10% of all methane for domestic use ends up in the atmosphere. Fun!

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I've heard Zuck called a lot of names. A LOT of them, most of them well deserved and fitting...but I've not heard very many people call him stupid or bad at his job.

Elon on the other hand....

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Yeah, I use it to wipe on my nose when I'm sick or my allergies are bad. It helps prevent it from getting all dried out from the tissues! I also rib a little on my hands sometime#, it goes a long way as a moisturizer. In summer I rub some between my toes if they get dried out.

Yes. You will never get over your ex if you keep bringing up your ex, talking about her non stop, and asking everyone what she's up without you. You have anew gf now. Let the old one go. She never really liked you anyway.

Seriously. There are communities for fetishes I didn't even know existed over there. Sorting by local can be a WILD fuckin ride.

Seek therapy.

And better tools to keep them moderated. The migration has proved that Lemmy isn't ready, but is headed the right way. I've found my new internet hangout and am good leaving reddit behind. Not everyone's to be. Everyone gets to be at their own comfort level.

Most of the foods that existed before the refrigerator was invented!

Meanwhile I have a way weirder problem where I'm seeing posts that are 1-2 years old while filtering by new or active. Makes no sense!

Why do you itch? What is causing you to be itchy. You should not be waking up itchy that is not normal. Diagnose what is causing the itch, and then remove that thing, then you don't have to even deal with the itch conundrum.

But also... scratch that sum'bitch.

Literally why most of Hollywood is striking right now. It amazes me the hoops people will jump through to convince themselves they aren't being taken advantage of.

This is stupid on so many levels but fuck it, LET THEM FIGHT

Can you not change your all icons on iPhone to anything you want like you can on Android? That fuckin sucks fam.

Reddit Premium costs $5.99 per month or $49.99 per year. However, for users subscribing through the iOS app, the subscription is more expensive – $6.99 per month or $59.99 per year.

LMAO they killed third party apps to force you to use their garbage app, then charge extra for something if you buy it in said garbage app. What in the actual fuck.

I'm just counting the days until Boost for Lemmy releases but I feel you. The UI of infinity is very nice, and the feature customization is solid. I've been comparing all new apps to connect since I found it, and it's still the one I keep coming back to. It has less polish but it checks all the feature boxes for me! Infinity is the only other app I've added to my home screen though, I could see it worming it's way in.

Trim your neck beard JFC

I'm in Cancun and my hotel charges $35 for sunscreen. Extortion happens in tourist spots, everywhere, always.

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