Suggestions for RSS feeds/content to – 15 points –

Simple question - I'm finally getting an RSS reader running and I'm looking for good content feeds. Does the gaming community have any recommendations for good gaming content?


I've seen you post this elsewhere so assume you aren't just interested in gaming only:

Here's some that I follow:

  • Anandtech^1: Great general tech website, has some deep dives. It did used to be a lot better
  • Chips and Cheese^2: Insane deep dives into architectures and chips.
  • More than Moore^3: Ex Anandtech editor in chief, does great breakdowns of new AI tech and silicon.
  • igor's Lab^4: Does some great deep dives into various GPU and CPU issues.
  • KGOnTech^5: Only just followed this blog, seems to do a good teardown on the apple headset.
  • Krebs on Security^6: Blog by one of the best security researchers and breaks down vulnerabilities
  • EE Times^7: Good well written site with overviews on many areas in tech
  • Techspot Featured Articles^8: Mainly gaming and GPU/CPU, but does some good articles exploring games, tech etc

Thanks! Yeah I figured I would ask in each of the communities in looking for content in vs mass asking in a larger forum. Thanks for the recs, I added several! Krebs, techspot, anandtech seem great!

Posting to remind myself later to check this. I also restarted my usage of an rss reader, and I feel I'm out of knowing what the good feeds are.