1 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Just speed. Share an article to pocket and its saved...

Anti consumer and anti competitive. Using their position as the OS to bug the living shit out of you to use their services

28 more...

Cancelled all subscriptions apart from Usenet and VPN.

Now I just pirate it all and bang it on Plex. All in one place on all devices, easy peasy

18 more...

What does “without any disks in use” mean?

  • If the computer is powered off, moved or confiscated, there is no data to retrieve.
  • We get the operational benefits of having fewer breakable parts. Disks are among the components that break often. Therefore, switching away from them makes our infrastructure more reliable.
  • The operational tasks of setting up and upgrading package versions on servers become faster and easier.
  • Running the system in RAM does not prevent the possibility of logging. It does however minimise the risk of accidentally storing something that can later be retrieved.
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Here's some that I follow:

  • Anandtech^1: Great general tech website, has some deep dives. It did used to be a lot better
  • Chips and Cheese^2: Insane deep dives into architectures and chips.
  • More than Moore^3: Ex Anandtech editor in chief, does great breakdowns of new AI tech and silicon.
  • igor's Lab^4: Does some great deep dives into various GPU and CPU issues.
  • KGOnTech^5: Only just followed this blog, seems to do a good teardown on the apple headset.
  • Krebs on Security^6: Blog by one of the best security researchers and breaks down vulnerabilities
  • EE Times^7: Good well written site with overviews on many areas in tech
  • Techspot Featured Articles^8: Mainly gaming and GPU/CPU, but does some good articles exploring games, tech etc
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Subscriptions. Why is everything a sub now?

I understand the need for some subscriptions and their benefits when there is ongoing content added to a platform.

However i'm not paying a subscription for software I could just buy and own forever, i'm not paying a £6.99 subscription to get some shitty cloud features in an app that is costing several cents a month to host. I get hundreds of gigabytes a month for less than that with Backblaze.

I'm not paying a subscription to read every second news website. I'm not paying a sub to access remote features of my car. I'm not paying a subscription to remove ads in an app, just let me pay once.

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Yep. I've noticed this in maybe the last 3-4 years. I've actually wondered if i've started getting dyslexia.

I think realistically it's more to do with the way I use the internet. I scan articles rather than read them unless it's something i'm really interested in. Google search results, half of them tend to be bullshit so i've gotten good at scanning them at insane speed.

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Based on the presentation it seems like the USB3 controller is on-die for the A17 pro bionic chip. So rather than re-engineer the chip for the A16 they've shipped it on the cheap, they could add an external controller or re-engineer the die.

I'd bet next year all iphone models are USB3.

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It's not just about features, there is a list of security fixes.

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I don't disagree but it was hard enough getting my dad and grandma to work plex. I'm not changing now.

Plex is working really well for me at the moment.

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Depends what you want to do but Backblaze B2 is reasonably cheap. $6 per TB

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Fair play to France. It's above legal levels, properly threatening tech giants is what they need to comply.

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Sorry what's the problem with a party?

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Right but licenses for pro are £200 RRP.

Don't then beg me to use your services, just fuck off and let me use Windows how I want

This might have worked a decade ago. Companies are EXTREMELY hot on device patches now. I work for a big company and we have a week to install the latest iOS patches on our phone. We get regular updates when software is out. If windows gets a certain patch behind the system can't update, it requires a full flash.

The same with banning encryption, the average Joe might not care but big companies have a lot to protect in IP and legally. Imagine a US company wanting send IP to a UK company for design/validation/manufacturing. They just won't because our devices/networks will be vulnerable to IP being stolen

New job that's WFH if you want.

I can now see my kid every day, stop wasting annual leave for a delivery or CBA days. I can keep on top of chores while working.

I don't get paid any more but I'm spending less and more importantly I'm gaining back time and seeing my family.

It's made me happier, more fulfilled and a better dad.

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People need to stop "pretending" they can afford all this shit, it's not needed and noone cares, who are people showing off too?

New iphone? Don't need it

Maybe if we stop buying shit these companies will actually try

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When I got my newest job the boss was bragging about I can work as much overtime as I want at 1.5x. like bitch I want undertime, let me work less!


Is one of the options "because I fucking told you to"

They knew it wasn't feasible but made it law anyways and passed it to ofcom to generate the guidelines for these companies to follow.

Absolutely incredible.

That's not what the article says.

I stopped using outlook entirely for this behaviour. Outlook would embed a bing search in your long press menu on android.

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If you need fast speeds, buy the pro bro /s

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Give over. They were passive aggressive as fuck in their statements after the EU mandated it.

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They offer someone else the job

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Also I bet he's more mad it was video'd and publicised.

I've started using Duckduckgo, less specifically for the search and more for the bangs. Fed up of search surfacing sites they care about. I can now quickly search wikipedia with !w etc.

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I used to enjoy Lostprophets

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You should though. I have a Pixel 7 Pro. I've seen all the reviews/tests showing how bad of a chip it is. But in day to day use it's fast snappy and pretty good.

it does however warm the device a lot and warmth = battery loss.

Tensor G1 and G2 would probably be absolutely fine if fabbed on TSMC.

10 more...

Pixel phones it's harder:

Change fucking launcher... The google bar is always there, cannot be removed and it's always google.

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Indeed. The issue for these companies. If phones aren't enticing enough and people start hanging onto devices for an extra year that effecticely cuts their revenue in 1/4.

That's why icloud got more expensive, it's why google is trying to monetise your web history for ads. They're looking for further revenue.

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I installed Linux mint on my Framework laptop because fuck windows.

I had to move back to windows, it didn't feel ready and couldn't get it working easily how I like.

Heres some of the issues(any pointers would be great)

  • 120hz just wouldn't work on one monitor, it detects it but won't apply. (Works fine in W10 and Ubuntu).
  • Scrolling on the touchpad is unbelievably fast and makes it unusable.
  • Fractional scaling is a joke, my laptop screen needs around 125% but everything becomes a blurred mess.
  • The mouse is a bit jittery and can't explain why (usually using a Logitech gaming mouse when docked).
  • Governor cannot be different on battery and AC. Defaults to max turbo.
  • Fingerprint sensor doesn't work (works fine on Ubuntu and w10).
  • Unsure how to get hardware accelerated disk encryption working?

Some stuff is better but a combination of these just brings me back to windows. It just loads and works?

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Not FOSS but F.

Firefox + ublock works really good on YouTube

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Embarrassing they launched it and released a statement before release date saying issues will be patched at a later date.

Was genuinely excited for this months ago...

Yeah I run Plex with the Arr dockers.

I use an app on my phone and it's all just done for you.

Someone recommends a show or movie? Open app, search for show and add it.

In the background the setup will automatically search the download providers you've setup (Usenet or torrents), filter them for the quality profile, download the files and place them in the correct folder ready to stream on Plex.

It's so seamless once working.

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Yeah morning breath is fucking rank.

I want that gone before I go to work. I have breakfast at work at like 9am after starting at 7am. I aint waiting 2.5 hours to brush them bad boys.

I guess it's going to stop any standard agencies with a warrant. Confiscating the machine for it to sit in a warehouse until some forensic techs get their hands on it.

Companies always do this shit, penny wise, pound foolish.

Yeah. I hate how stuck in I am in the google system. I've been migrating away too and ensuring whatever system I use next doesn't tie me in or make it a pain to leave.

I'm struggling with a google photos alternative though. I'm currently just ignoring the problem and periodically using google takeout to make sure I have a local copy of all the photos.

The issue I have is my GF and parents are on my family account. So I use about 50GB of google photos and they use about 100GB combined. And I pay for the 200GB tier.

We're all stuck now and you just need to pay indefinitely.

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