7 Post – 794 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

"Email address" is the phrase you're looking for!

Once installed, Temu can recompile itself and change properties, including overriding the data privacy settings users believe they have in place

If this is actually possible then isn't that a huge security vulnerability in Android and/or iOS? I feel if this was the case we'd be hearing about it from security researchers rather than a lawyer.

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Seems like we're all in agreement that all information should be free, I look forward to them open-sourcing every proprietary bit of code they have

Is that just for the buttons? I did a one minute eBay search and you can get a pink replacement for every button and the whole shell for $40!

Mutation testing is a cool concept, but what's it got to do with the fediverse?

You could try asking in !, there's usually some good PostmarketOS knowledge over there

I hope this isn't too late, but don't read anything about this game before you play it!


I can't recommend shellcheck enough, there are even plugins (for vscode and intellij at least) which give you syntax highlighting in your IDE

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Dedicated AI button: βœ‹πŸ˜’

Dedicated change-LED-colour button: πŸ‘ˆπŸ˜―

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Definitely not always, I remember buying games and accessories there many moons ago!

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I do have a Logitech mouse and as far as I'm aware all the buttons are customisable (through their questionable program), so hopefully this is just marketing nonsense

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EB bought them and did a "reverse takeover"


"Just", lol. I'm sure yours is a much more comprehensive and powerful solution, but it definitely looks more complex than just installing a plugin on your IDE!

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No idea, I'd never even heard of one until your comment! Is it worth setting up? What else does it do?

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Every time I see this quaint but misleading image reposted it's necessary to make the same comment: the words attached to each image are do not exclusively represent those images. "Equality" could apply to all but the first; nobody uses "equity" this way; and most people use "justice" to refer to criminal justice and punishment.

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Violence with strangers? Fuck yeah!

Swear words!? Fuck no!

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Meta ... can’t guarantee β€œwhat a third-party provider does with sent or received messages.”

I'm more concerned with what the first-party provider is doing with my sent or received messages when that first-party is Facebook!

If we only had a few more programmers

Poor, poor Epic, a tiny startup barely making it to the next month with their 3000 employees and $5B annual revenue

Here is the original comic, it's got the word fuck in it! Direct link to higher-quality image.

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TL;DR: why does the Steam Deck have a small screen and run Linux? Oh, that's why.

Kind of strange that this article is written like the author was a fool and then learned their lesson, but hey I'm not a writer.

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Compiler: you're skating on thin ice there you fucking maverick

I like it. Looks completely insane but upon closer inspection it seems like its actually made really well.

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The children, they yearn for the mines

Sony learned nothing from the Helldivers 2 shitshow

Well they learned to announce that it would require an account before releasing the game rather than after people had already bought it, which was the complaint with Helldivers, right?

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No idea what a nike tech twink is, but about 50 (depending on how hard you've been hitting the booze)

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Commenting the why not is key. Half my comments are explaining why I had to use this hack as a warning that the obvious fix doesn't work!

Is this a sponsored post by a bought-and-paid-for shill, or is the writer just so worn down by microtransactions over the years that they're Stockholm-Syndromed into thinking this is somehow OK?

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I think this highlights what people think when they hear "defederating" vs its actual purpose. It's controversial when it's between serious instances that people actually use but with wildly incompatible opinions, but there's very few objections when it's blocking CSAM!

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Congratulations, you can now get anyone's prescription! If only the pharmacy had a way to stop this exploit!

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Yoink, that's going straight to !

Forcing companies to give worker's rights to gig economy workers is actually huge, so expect Google to fight tooth and nail to block it. Could make for a big change in all the hoops they make YouTubers jump through if it does eventually stick though.

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Don't forget the "legitimate interest" cookies that you can't even disable because the dickheads selling the ads think the law doesn't apply to them!

TL;DW: the ads will be in the video stream itself which will mess up timestamps, sponsor block uses timestamps to know when the ads are.

Seems to me that this will also break every other use case of specific times like direct linking to a timestamp of a video, right?

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Yeah but seeing actual proof is always important

I imagine not paying for it and being overloaded with spam bots would be more expensive (otherwise they wouldn't be doing it this way!)

I'd love all of my content to be unsuitable for advertisers! Remember when posting on corponet to add something like this to the end of all your posts:

The products featured below have been known to cause users unexpected diarrhoea

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It's concerning to see how much power Google really holds over small websites

"I understand that Google doesn't owe us or anyone else traffic," says Navarro, of HouseFresh. "But Google controls the roads. If tomorrow they decide the roads won't go to an entire town, that town dies. It's too much power to just shrug and say, 'Oh well, it's just the free market,'" she says.

As we've seen so many times, they got their foot in the door by actually being the best, but now only really keep that position by paying to be the default on most devices. Given how Microsoft were forced to offer browser choices on Windows, is there hope that Google are forced to offer choices on Android and Chrome?

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"Apple users" is a bit harsh, the fans can definitely get this culty but it's not like the functional-but-overpriced hardware is literal shit. Someone else said NFT "investors", I'd go for fashion people who spend hundreds on a sweatshop-produced t-shirt which just has the logo of the company that's ripping them off on it (which to be fair does describe some people's relationship with Apple!)

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