Any time you're told that the weak and vulnerable are responsible for how bad things are, rather than the rich and powerful, you're being lied to to – 1058 points –

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Maybe if you want to relax don't pop out inane hot takes. Someone might call you out on those.

Enjoy being irrationally mad at George Soros in a couple years and wondering how you got to that point.

Keep going with the insults. It’ll really help you get your point across. 🙄

Don't mind him, he's just one of those types who thinks it's okay his neighbors are exploited and abused by society all their lives so they'll make his burgers for him.

Clearly the Q anon is working on him. Even though he doesn’t believe it he’s going to lump in real problems with the insane conspiracy theories.

He's heavily pro-establishment and is of the type that'll defend it at any cost which makes me wonder if he isn't being paid to shill just like what would happen on Reddit. Though then again, he could genuinely feel that the way things are is to his benefit. He could be the type that looks at his neighbors walking down the street and thinks they are good servants for him.

I legit didn't realize there were a lot of people who genuinely are okay with and want the authoritarian nightmare we're stuck in until I started seeing people like him on Lemmy, point in fact. He's not the only pro status quo concern troll I've seen on here. Far from it.

People like him are creepy af.

Dismissing and insulting conspiracy theorists is the only sane way to interact with them.

Cool, go find some.

Like I said, the Q anon shit is there to keep us fighting and you’re falling for it. Even though you don’t believe it you’re dismissing real problems as conspiracies and resorting to insults to avoid having to learn anything.