[Help] Why are my system apps displaying off white?

xXSirDanglesXx@lemmy.world to Android@lemmy.world – 58 points –

It's not just chrome, but calendar, calculator, my status bar and everything turned to that ugly yellow color and just yesterday they were normal white.

I don't have any night mode/color interesting/blue filter settings on so I don't know what changed.

I work in construction and my phone constantly opens things in my pocket when I sweat while at work.


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My guess is that Material You applied a colour scheme based on your wallpaper

I hate it. It looks like shit 90% of the time. Just the most horrible colour combos. And with my old ROM you couldn't even turn it off or switch the colours. What a fun feature.

I love the idea, but it does need more work, yeah.
Or maybe less work, actually. Some combinations are just unnecessary, too.

It could be nice and maybe with simpler pictures it actually works so that it all blends well. But with photos I've taken I've had shit luck. A picture with green grass and grey concrete made a colour combo of the most awful shades of green and brown imaginable. None of those colours were in the actual photo either, it just sorta blended it all into colour vomit.