Amazon named its “labyrinthine” Prime cancellation process after Homer’s Iliad

Pete to – 62 points –
Amazon named its “labyrinthine” Prime cancellation process after Homer’s Iliad

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I cancelled months ago, but they never cut me off from the streaming or prime shipping. I've checked multiple times to make sure I'm not being charged, and so far so good.

Did you pay by yearly subscription? Might just be you already paid for the next several months until it expires, and just won't renew the next billing cycle.

Otherwise that sounds like a bug that benefits you haha

I did, but I cancelled before the next year so who knows what's going on. For a while I wondered if maybe there's few enough people canceling that it was cheaper just to let them keep the service rather than hire someone to code the thing to remove them.

Did you pay by yearly subscription? Might just be you already paid for the next several months until it expires, and just won't renew the next billing cycle.

Otherwise that sounds like a bug that benefits you haha