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Joined 1 years ago

This is actually hilarious and I love the creativity and malicious compliance here. It's also a shame the admins response to this whole thing. They're trying to claim that this whole thing is just a small group of moderates power tripping when in reality many of the subs held polls to go dark or continue protests. Before this all went down I saw a ton of people saying they should go dark indefinitely in many many subreddits.

Huffman is full of lies and bullshit and that's the real reason people have so much backlash at this point

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It's honestly crazy how poorly this whole thing is being handled. Reddit admins are really showing their true colors and keep doubling down on everything, making themselves look like absolute fools. They realized they don't have as much power as they wanted and are acting like grumpy children throwing a temper tantrum

My tired brain accidentally read this as "anti-trust" laws and was surprised but excited, but then was confused reading the comments. Then I reread the title and was like oh fuck, this is messed up as hell. My excitement died in .01 seconds.

Seriously fuck these people. They are more obsessed/concerned with trans people's genitals than actual trans people...

What's crazy to me is it seems like they just want children to suffer. They want to force women to give birth, but then don't give a shit about what happens to the children after. On top of that, it's like they are trying to make them suffer even more for their parents being unable to provide.

I could somewhat get attacking programs for adults. Still disagree, but I guess it's the "they should be able to provide for themselves" mentality. But then doing this for children when they are literally unable to provide for themselves or have any responsibility for being hungry. Yes, let's make the helpless children suffer.

Disgusting times we live in.

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This has already been affecting me a but. Now I'm not complaining because I fully support it. But I've recently been looking up product suggestions, tech help, etc and many of the reddit links in the search results were private communities. I was like "oh so this is actually having an impact at least."

I actually wish more subs would stay dark, especially since the CEO was basically like "they'll get over it soon"

Blueberry bagels are my second favorite. Spank me daddy

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What's also interesting is that you have to factor in the costs and CO2 emissions of the fuel source and it's delivery method. A new building code for a county in my area was adopted which requires calculations for energy efficient HVAC systems and also CO2 emissions with those systems. Surprisingly, natural gas has less CO2 emissions associated with it, while electricity is 2.86 times as much. This is because grid electricity is mostly produced by fossil fuels, then needs to be delivered to the site but there are many losses along the way. So even if the all electric equipment is twice as efficient as the equivalent natural gas equipment, it still contributes more CO2 production. This is part of the issue with phasing out natural gas and moving to all electric in its current state. But with that is the push (and requirements) to produce energy on site and shift towards net zero energy for commercial sites, which is definitely better than using grid power from an emissions standpoint.

Swiping from anywhere on the edge of the screen is faster because your thumb is already there. Having to move all the way down to the bottom of of the screen with your thumb takes longer. Also take into account the chance of missing the button and having to try again, vs a gesture that needs to be much less precise

I won't question the cooking on stone part, but as far as toppings on pizza go I honestly don't care. Everyone has different tastes and if someone wants to put whatever abomination on their pizza so be it.

Also I actually like pineapple on pizza, but it's not my favorite. I don't know why people get so offended by it

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Please yes please I cannot wait!!

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I remember having an S6 and it come with so many apps preinstalled that you can't uninstall. There's the default Google/android apps which is fine because those are the basics. Then Samsung puts a bunch of their own apps on there that basically duplicates a bunch of these and can't be uninstalled, and then there's other bloat apps like Facebook, maybe candy crush or some shit, maybe Netflix, that all can't be uninstalled. The worst offender is Facebook because it was on almost any other phone not running stock android but supposedly had deeper privileges as a "system" app

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Those posts are people running wild with a hint of a conspiracy going on and many people immediately jumped on the bandwagon. You're completely right and not every site will be 100% safe, but it's not like there is some conspiracy with the mods getting paid off for malicious content. That's just absurd to consider with the "evidence" provided.

This is exactly what made me leave Instagram years ago. When they changed it so you only get the algorithmic feed. I can't stand it, why can't we just choose the fucking sort order we want?? These platforms give users no control and it's what makes them so frustrating to try to use. Reddit was the last "social" platform I was really using and now that's gone to shit too.

I would say it's not strictly prohibited, it's more about the attitude and treatment towards other people. The modern conservative attitudes lately have been focused around hate and discrimination of minority groups and foreigners. It's extremely hard to look past that and the other outrageous alt right views related to anti-vax, 5g conspiracy theories, etc. A lot of loud conservative figures have been pushing anti-gay, anti-trans, anti-womens rights, anti-poor regulations and this is not welcome here. This makes it hard to accept a conservative viewpoint.

If the discussion is focused around political views for the economy, government regulation, etc, and engages in civil discussion and disagreement, a willingness to attempt to understand the other person's view, and not resorting to insults or hate, then differing viewpoints are not exactly a problem. Anything suggesting that minority groups or other humans are inferior or don't have a right to exist or have personal rights and freedoms is definitely not welcome.

In short, it's difficult to say due to the modern conservative "hot topics" which dehumanize groups of people. Being conservative doesn't automatically mean you aren't welcome here but hate and discrimination are certainly not welcome.

I don't know what's going to happen once it starts getting even worse. Either we just accept it or do something but by then it's too late to prevent more serious consequences.

With corporations essentially having control over everything, there's not much we can do short of full on strikes and revolution. Saving the environment is just incapatable with capitalism and corporate greed

I literally don't get it either. "BuT It lEtS me DOwNlOaD iT iN AdVanCE" but like are you really that impatient you need it the second it's released? And before seeing if it's actually a good game or not?? It's like people have learned nothing from the constant shitty releases time and time again

What is the point of this kind of post and what kind of beneficial discussion does it bring to the platform? It's one thing to discuss what they are actually doing or saying, and it's another to assume what they are thinking just to make some point about them? We shouldn't stoop to their level and make assumptions about their thought process. Conservatives will do the same thing based on the BS they hear and assume all left leaning people desire to kill babies and force gender change surgery on minors, which we all know is not true. This post is basically doing the same thing.

Sure many conservatives have brain dead "political opinions" on actual science and fact, but this post doesn't help in any way

Lol, it's like Spez is trying to act like Elon Musk at this point...

I completely agree and don't know how other people don't notice the awful taste? Like the aftertaste is sooo gross and sticks around for awhile. Maybe it's genetics and taste buds related. I also get bloated and headaches from things like sucralose.

On another note though I have actually found an artificial sweetener that doesn't taste like ass and doesn't have negative side effects like sucralose for me. Xylitol has been great and I can finally chew gum again that's good for my teeth too.

Honestly I agree. I think it's a great game though, at least what it has become, but I think I keep getting disappointed with certain things that are just an issue with the core mechanics of the game. There's only so much value to adding tons of content if the game is dull at its core.

I have over 350 hours in NMS but every time I try to pick it back up I realize why I stopped before.

This is insane to try to justify. Corporations already have so much influence in politics

I think of it like having sex with or without a condom. If you don't use a condom, there's a chance to get an STD (or get "caught"). It's not a guarantee to get caught, your IP address needs to end up in the pool of addresses they collect to send out DMCA notices so it won't happen every time. But having a "condom" (VPN) reduces your chances by nearly 100%, assuming it's properly setup which usually is a very simple process

Did you pay by yearly subscription? Might just be you already paid for the next several months until it expires, and just won't renew the next billing cycle.

Otherwise that sounds like a bug that benefits you haha

This is literally insane. I'm baffled how things like this become enforceable laws. It's almost hilariously flawed. I'm sure many people will be very uncomfortable with bearded men in the women's room, and the many other awkward scenarios that could happen. It's also downright dangerous for trans and even cisgender people

I actually still don't understand how this phrase is supposed to be used. Can you explain what is meant by reversing the order? Which parts are supposed to be switched?

Did you pay by yearly subscription? Might just be you already paid for the next several months until it expires, and just won't renew the next billing cycle.

Otherwise that sounds like a bug that benefits you haha