How would you compensate employees for commuting to work? to – 107 points –

Suppose there are two employees: Alice and Bob, who do the same job at the same factory. Alice has a 10 minute (20RT) commute, Bob commutes 35 minutes(70RT).

If you're the owner of the factory, would you compensate them for their commutes? How would you do it?


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If you're the owner of the factory, would you compensate them for their commutes? How would you do it?

absolutely, people's workdays should start when they begin their commute. I don't know off the top of my head, but some companies and government jobs already comp people for their travel expenses, just extend that to commutes.

i used to work for Amazon. in the morning, I'd drive to a parking lot a few miles from the warehouse. then I'd get on a shuttle bus which would drop me off at the warehouse. (not enough parking at the warehouse)

Jeffy B paid me for the shuttle ride to and from the warehouse AND paid the shuttle driver.

how does that work? do you clock in/out while on the shuttle or something?

yes, I'd clock in and out on the bus. Know where a municipal bus collects fare near the driver? they had a shift clock there to punch in and out.