Juvenile Life Without Parole Sentences Are a Failed Policy That Needs to End

gAlienLifeform@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 232 points –
The US Sentences Kids to Life in Prison Without Parole

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I generally agree, but there are exceptions to every rule. I knew a guy who killed 6 people when he was 16, including his pregnant ex girlfriend. Dude absolutely should never be allowed out.

Sure, but that sounds like the exact sort of case a parole board would deny. The author here isn't saying we should abolish life in prison sentences for juveniles, just that they should all be able to at least apply for parole and try to convince the board that they're no longer a danger to others.

Only takes one board that has a few idiots on it, major prison overcrowding, or him learning to play the jesus card, and he could be out on the street.