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Joined 1 years ago

Using .ml was stupid in the first place. No need to try to be a special snowflake by using a sketchy TLD.

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More likely that it doesn't work out for Jassy. Certain Amazon units are underperforming under his leadership, and I wouldn't be shocked if his time at Amazon didn't last that much longer.

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Shame is an artificial construct that I am choosing not to opt into. Thanks for letting us know that sponsorblock is in, I'm turning it on now.

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Breaking Bad was 10/10 the whole way through. Basically every other show has had bad episodes, bad plots, etc...

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Honestly Baldurs Gate 3 is what really makes it look bad. Playing Starfield after playing that highlights all of the shallowness in Starfield.

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Kind of. In the past investors were willing to be more patient, and company values were artificially high, because they were based on potential profits rather than actual profits. That's shifting a bit as interest rates go up.

Our idiot principal for my first two years tried to come up with his own rule that shirts had to be tucked in. The written rule added the caveat "if it was designed to be tucked in". I purposely bought shirts that said they were not intended to be tucked in just so I could be a problem, and then made sure other people know which ones to buy.

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I went out the doctor last week, and they not only didn't offer it, they acted like I was insane for asking, and for wearing a mask into a building full of sick people. The medical profession in the US needs a major overhaul.

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It's commonly used by Adoptees to find their biological family. This can be important for a few reasons, including finally getting accurate family health history.

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The goal has always been a cell. Anything less means he hasn't faced consequences. I'm not aware of anyone who believes he is guilty who would have been happy with an investigation or indictment that goes nowhere.

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If they give him immunity, they are basically saying any president can rig an election with no consequences. It would completely undermine our system of government.

Yesterdays results across the board definitely have me doubting the recent Trump vs Biden polling numbers even more than I already did.

Wonder if the cracked version crashes when starting a new game like the steam version does...

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Sam's Club. We cancelled our membership and they still charged us. I called the main customer service number and told them to reverse the charge, or I would reverse it for them. They got all pissy and claimed they could only speak to my wife, who wasn't available, despite the fact that my card was the one charged. Then they started getting insulting, and claimed my bank wouldn't reverse the charge. I ask to speak to someone higher up, and politely explain the situation again, complete with my cancellation email, and the supervisor is even ruder than the first person. I then called the local store, and thankfully the person there wasn't an asshole. They pulled up the account, saw it was cancelled on the date I said, and quickly refunded the charge. I have no idea why Sam's Club customer service is the way they are, but they can eat a bag of dicks.

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I've been very happy with my Hyundai Ioniq 5 after more than a year. The range adjusts dynamically based on conditions and my driving history, and charging is very fast when you are hooked up to a 350kw charger, especially in warm weather.

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That's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't relate to anything in that comment.

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The issue isn't the ending itself, it's how they got there. They rushed the ending, and as a result it made no sense.

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Everywhere is expensive now. Sad reality.

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I've been in two, and both of them were this way. Tossed most of us under the bus to protect a small group of older employees. We definitely need more unionization, but we also need to weed out the unions that are counterproductive.

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Some of my co-workers use it, and it's fairly obvious, usually because they are putting out even more inaccurate info than normal.

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That's disappointing. I can't wait to see how Musk attempts to screw with everyone once all major companies are using his "open" standard.

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If that's the case, they should also block Gmail.

Every young American should be taken to the Holocaust Museum in DC at some point. If that doesn't profoundly impact you, you need a psych eval.

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I'm shocked. This definitely wasn't predicted by literally everyone.

I pulled my kid, primarily because the local school district is awful, and because they harass kids (and their parents) into coming to school sick, leading to constant outbreaks of illness, especially since COVID. As an unexpected bonus, it was refreshing to see my kid actually enjoy learning for once.

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Don't expose anything directly to the Internet except a VPN with strong auth.

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Kids are dumb

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Cloud was never really cheap. People just didn't understand the total cost involved, and companies are finally beginning to realize that on prem wasn't actually a problem.

EV competition is here. There are tons of models now, and the Ioniq 5, for example, was rated much higher by many reviewers than Tesla models last year.

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I generally agree, but there are exceptions to every rule. I knew a guy who killed 6 people when he was 16, including his pregnant ex girlfriend. Dude absolutely should never be allowed out.

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I think you know we need help.

Literally sent that email this morning. It's not that we don't have the space, it's that I can't get a maintenance window to migrate the data to the new storage platform.

Half your age + 7 is literally from a comedy movie. It's not a hard and fast rule.

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Nothing. I refuse to go back.

Exactly. They should take this as the warning it is, and start work on moving to an engine not run by morons.

They do realize that if there is a Biden impeachment it will fire up the Dem base, and if it somehow succeeded it would mean Kamala becomes president, right?

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What women is Clinton popular with? Those over 70?

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He did, and it cost him the election. I know more than a few people who voted for him the first time, but switched to Biden due to Trump's COVID denial.

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DWS should be locked up. It's constant impropriety bordering on illegality with her.

A lot of the dumbest people I went to high school with have masters degrees. It's well past time to stop judging people based on a piece of paper.