All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan to – 431 points –
All Those 23andMe Spit Tests Were Part of a Bigger Plan

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It's commonly used by Adoptees to find their biological family. This can be important for a few reasons, including finally getting accurate family health history.

i had a coworker from my last job find his birth mother through one of these dna websites. the happiness he had on his face when he came back after finally meeting his biological family made me think about 1) how fortunate I am and 2) how many people have used these services to connect to long lost family members.

the good outweighs the bad for now, imo.

No question. It took me 6 years and thousands of hours to find mine (distant matches only, and birth father was dead, and birth mother was also adopted, which added an extra 2 years to the search). If it wasn't for DNA I would never have located her though.