My baby boi Radar tested positive for lyme disease yesterday :( to – 337 points –

He has no symptoms, and I will find out in a few days if he needs antibiotics. He is exhausted from the vet visit.


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Only observation here, not a vet here but, other animals do not get the same symptoms as humans in fact deer are virtually immune to Lyme disease. Lyme disease in dogs tends to make them tired and listless. I'm sure they have sore joints too. Antibiotics clear up the disease better for dogs, if they can tolerate them, than humans.

My vet asked me if he had any of the dog symptoms and she explained them. He has none of them, thankfully.

How did you discover he had it?

I got him a heartworm test so he can be on a specific worming medication and the rest came back positive for lyme. The working medication is a preventative and needed because both of my dogs keep getting parasites from eating dirt.