Amazon Prime Video will soon come with ads, or a $2.99 monthly charge to dodge them

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Amazon Prime Video will soon come with ads, or a $2.99 monthly charge to dodge them

Amazon Prime Video will soon come with ads, or a $2.99 monthly charge to dodge them::Amazon’s Prime Video will begin showing ads during shows and movies early next year.


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So the $140/year subscription they're already collecting isn't enough for them?

I guess this is as good a reminder as any to look at what I'm actually using Prime for these days.

LOL, I dropped it last week, but it quickly became apparent I have to have it to save on shipping, no brainer for me.

Still, don't care about their video service. Who isn't pirating that stuff anyway?!

Just need to get it in October and cancel after Christmas. That's the only time I ever get value from it.

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