Dead NFTs: The Evolving Landscape of the NFT Market to – 92 points –
Are NFTs Dead? - Trends, Predictions & Statistics 2023

TL;DR: The NFT market has drastically declined since its peak in 2021, with most NFT collections having no value. There's an oversupply of NFTs, leading to a buyer's market, and environmental concerns due to energy consumption. Top NFTs also struggle to maintain value, and the future of NFTs depends on utility and genuine value rather than speculation.


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Haha one would hope so. I’m not buying any of their "this is the future of NFTs" aspects either. I feel like the only thing that could work are things like in game cosmetics, but that’s controlled by one company and in an controlled environment so why would you need to have an NFT for that.

Tying NFT token to a physical object like a painting and keeping a database of who owns what seems potentially interesting. But why would you need it to be NFT based either, I don't know.

Tying NFTs to a physical object is quite pointless. It can make no guarantees that it’s the only NFT for that physical object, or if the physical object even exists.

Well it's the same as with any document, digital or physical, that shows ownership. Obviously it being NFT wouldn't make it magically legit, same as with anything else.

But like I said I don't really see a point of that kind database being blockchain/NFT based anyway.