
37 Post – 158 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They’re not creating a shadow account, you’re literally logging in with your instagram account.

What this post is implying, is that the user numbers are just existing instagram accounts, which doesn’t make sense because in that case they’d have 2 billion users within the first second.

You can follow/request to follow before the user has actually "created" the account, so they’re lying about which users have done that already, not about how many users they actually have.

Come at me downvotes

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Sad to see how deep Musk has fallen. He‘s becoming more and more like Trump and hopefully sooner rather than later he’ll be completely irrelevant

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That guy already had more than enough compensation with that hoodie and the office tour they gave him.

Pretty sure they’re not. I mean those are instagram accounts, but only those who enabled threads. It’s also at 93 million now.

Why is it so hard to believe that people download the app and try it out? It’s easy to do, users don’t have to create a new account, the app is number one on the App Store, they’re probably advertising it in instagram, and it’s still just 20% of the instagram userbase.

Decentralization is nice, but most people don’t care about it and it’s too complicated or annoying to sign up there. Threads is dead simple and people want a Twitter replacement. It’s also "just" a fifth of the Twitter userbase.

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Amazon is adding full-screen video ads that will play when you start your Fire TV unless you quickly perform an action on it. […] “Our focus is on delivering an immersive experience so customers can enjoy their favorite TV shows and movies, as well as browse and discover more content they’ll want to watch. We’re always working to make the Fire TV experience better for customers and have updated one of the prominent placements in the UI to play a short content preview if no other action is taken by a customer upon turning on their Fire TV.” Amazon said in a statement to Cord Cutters News.

Sure, that’s definitely a feature for customers. Especially the fact that you can only click it away in the first few seconds. I also love to have my ads be immersive. Biggest pile of bullshit I’ve heard this week.

There’s just way too many articles being posted where at best the headline only implies something that isn’t actually true and at worst just plainly lies.

The funny thing is, even the article itself is often already correcting the headline, but I can’t imagine that more than 10% are actually reading every one, which means there’s a constant stream of misinformation being broadcasted. Not every one of these has high stakes, but still.

Here’s two examples that I just came across:

And because people are only reading the title, they upvote and move on. Even though the comments set it straight as well. There’s a lot more that I’ve come across. It’s infuriating.

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I’m not a car person, so excuse my lack of knowledge. But do electric cars have/need cooling liquid? Just wondering

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Being called "backwards" by the head of the catholic church is quite something

Quoting the beginning of the article:

Let me introduce you to WordStar 4.0, a popular word processor from the early 80s. As old as it seems, George R.R. Martin used it to write “A Song of Ice and Fire”.

Why would someone use such an old piece of software to write over 5,000 pages? I love how he puts it:

It does everything I want a word processing program to do and it doesn't do anything else. I don't want any help. I hate some of these modern systems where you type up a lowercase letter and it becomes a capital. I don't want a capital, if I'd wanted a capital, I would have typed the capital. – George R. R. Martin

The word is meaningless, nothing like the metaverse as described in snowcrash ever existed. If you’re talking about a multiplayer game that tries to mimic the real word then you’re right. But that’s not what the metaverse actually is…or what the word stood for, before being ripped to shreds as a buzzword.

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I thought it was already supposed to end

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I made the mistake of commenting on this post where people clearly think that the Hamas are the good guys and have every right to do what they do. Apologies for linking to it.

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Haha, I like this part:

[…] Gates responded: "Well, Steve, I think there's more than one way of looking at it. I think it's more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it."

Not to be confused with the Pareto principle.

Here’s a shorter summary:

Donald Trump sold his Florida Mar-a-Lago residence on August 4, but there's speculation he transferred ownership to his son. The property was listed for $422 million and is now owned by a company linked to his eldest son. This sale timing has raised questions. Trump faces legal issues related to the 2020 election but remains popular among Republicans in polls.

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For anyone just reading the headline, it’s already been deleted:

[…] a now-deleted update to the electric carmaker's terms of service said the firm could sue customers for $50,000 or more if they resell during the first year of ownership without first getting written permission from Tesla. The provision seemed designed to deter scalping for a car expected to be available only in limited quantities after CEO Elon Musk's statement that Tesla "dug our own grave with the Cybertruck."

never forget

Thanks :) So since Gitlab can be self hosted there wasn’t a way to make PRs from one instance to another?

Just to clarify:

The Pin isn’t always recording or even listening for a wake word, instead requiring you to manually activate it in some way. It has a “Trust Light,” which blinks on whenever the Pin is recording.

Might not make a difference for people as long as it’s pointing at them and could be recording, but you made it sound like it always is. I also don’t find it desirable in any way, especially with that subscription price tag.

I do get the idea of having a different device form factor for an AI device, but I don’t think we’re there yet for what AI can do. Still interesting through.

And what Facebook TV/camera device are you talking about? The Quest 3? Or Ray ban glasses?

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┬──┬◡ノ(° -°ノ)

Calling names without understanding what’s actually going on is always a great start.

"Smart" seems to just mean internet connected. Basically all TV watching (at least in my experience) has moved to streaming, so you need a connection somewhere. Either TVs have it built in (and show you ads in the output selection menu – I’ve seen this) or you connect something else to it that streams content. The Fire TV stick was a cheap way to do this, Fire TVs are cheap TVs.

I’ve been using an Apple TV and capped the wifi connection of my TV, works great and no ads.

I‘m not an expert on this topic, so someone correct me if I’m wrong. Signal is only storing stuff temporarily to pass it on, so I’m assuming you’d have the exact same costs even if it weren’t centralized. Maybe even more as it’s probably cheaper to have it managed in one place. I’m assuming all this would do is distribute the cost, but otherwise be the same?

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Didn’t know that, thanks :)

I’m really curious, I can’t imagine many people choosing something other than google, but apparently google thinks enough people would to make it worth giving up almost 40% of their entire revenue.

Seems to me they’re mostly paying for the data they’re getting out of this, I can imagine they’d be making more money without the deal. Maybe slightly fewer users, but 40% more revenue.

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That’s an extremely poor choice of sponsorship for that particular video, made me laugh quite a bit

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I think the "regular" emoji feel somewhat out of place here

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Wouldn’t that mean both have to have a connection at the same time? What if one is offline?

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Holy shit, the developer has put some serious work in. I didn’t know web apps could be that good. There’s some insane attention to detail going on here

The second half sounds a lot like an ad for Lemmy ^^

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How is Ivory not on that list?

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I think in that case I’d probably add an update to the comment. But downvoting yourself feels really honest somehow

So that people can follow the PRs for a certain project? Or what’s the use case for this

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Firstly, you can choose an instance that doesn’t federate with them. Everyone can choose for themselves. And second you didn’t read it probably, they’re testing it and there a handful of accounts that have activity pub enabled. That certainly doesn’t make them the biggest presence.

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Also you have fewer opportunities to embarrass yourself with your suddenly missing fork-knife-food-interaction skills

I don’t want to be mean (also I’m not using threads and am using mastodon and Lemmy), but threads is multiple times more a thing than Lemmy or mastodon.

Mastodon, for example, has around 1.8 million monthly active users right now, where threads has around 100 million monthly active users. That’s a factor of over 50x.

Lemmy, in comparison, has 35k active users which is roughly a factor of 3000. So yeah, threads is still a thing.

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It’s great that everyone is able to choose for themselves

Haha one would hope so. I’m not buying any of their "this is the future of NFTs" aspects either. I feel like the only thing that could work are things like in game cosmetics, but that’s controlled by one company and in an controlled environment so why would you need to have an NFT for that.

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If I remember correctly, android was already under development, but huge changes were made after the iPhone came out.

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I feel like there’s a misunderstanding here that keeps coming up. The Amazon fire TV isn’t a smart TV, it’s a streaming device (usb stick style) that you plug into your TV. And it’s quite understandable why people want to stream videos on their TV, that’s how they access Netflix, Disney plus etc.

Edit: it’s apparently a TV as well.

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