Russian Black Sea commander shown working after Ukraine said it killed him to – 65 points –
Russian Black Sea commander shown working after Ukraine said it killed him

Apparently Sokolov was only a face on the screen (haven't seen the video), so prerecorded footage, deepfake or even simple video editing are all possibilities. The rest of Shoiqus quotes are pretty much what you'd expect from him.

Regardless of Sokolov the situation in Crimea seems to be in Ukrainian control, I hope they can close the bridge soon.


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Here's a link to the actual clip:

The part showing Sokolov is very brief, a couple of seconds at the end of the twitter video.

He doesn't move, his eyes are closed behind his glasses, and he's propped up against a pillow.

It could be a video of a photo.

Not very convincing that he's healthy, if not dead.

On the other hand, if he's dead Russia can't keep pretending he's not forever. What are they going to say? He survived a bombing and then died by falling down the stairs 48 hours later?

That's really not any kind of problem for Russia. They can just announce that due to his failure on preventing missile strikes against Black Sea fleet Sokolov resigned in shame and retired to become a sheep herder in southern siberia or something.

Oh, yes, the "the admiral went to a farm upstate" is always a classical.

missile strikes against Black Sea fleet

Is that even the official version? It surprises me that they don't sell this as a success... Their building has successfully stopped a rocket..

Your guess is as good as mine. On our local news today was an article how Lavrov was upset that Finland is moving towards the front of the opposition against Russia without any reason (a bit caricature, but not that much). That circus is running for the average russian citicens, not for us, and in those stories facts don't matter much.