17 Post – 139 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


You only need to squeeze out an amount the size of a pea on to the bristles of your toothbrush.

The image of squeezing along the entire length of the brush bristles was concocted by an ad agency, a la Mad Men, to make consumers use their toothpaste faster, hence buy more product.

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LibreOffice is equal to any office software out there, and has been much more stable than OpenOffice, and works without an internet connection unlike Google Docs.

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The moment those Chinese EV startups enter the US market, Tesla will be in real trouble if they don't have their product quality image problem fixed by then.

It'll be like Detroit's Big 3 automakers tanking when small fuel efficient Japanese cars landed in the 70s oil crisis.

Assuming those Chinese EV companies don't have their own quality problems...

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How indebted are the Russians to the Chinese now.

They're completely at the mercy of the Chinese government which tightly controls the Yuan

They're getting deeper into debt with Chinese banks, borrowing the equivalent of USD$10 billion as of last March, although the article doesn't say what currency the loans are in. Likely USD$.

To put that amount into perspective, Russia's USD$ currency reserves were about $599 billion as of May 2023.

The Chinese economy isn't doing so hot either

And tossing billions into the black hole that is Russia probably won't help those banks stay financially stable.

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Bulgaria’s Defence Ministry held a procurement procedure from September 2020 to July 2022 for a company to repair and maintain the S-300 systems.

Only one candidate was admitted, Almaz-Antey Aerospace Defense Concern, which is owned by the Russian state. However, it turned out that it did not have the ability to keep the missile systems in working order.

"Unserviceable" in this case doesn't mean the missile systems aren't working, but that future maintenance is going to be a problem because Bulgaria doesn't have the technicians and supplies to keep them in working order up to military standards.

So yes, Ukraine would be getting functional S-300 systems.

Eek! Those guys look like they know what they're doing, but they still gotta have balls of Ukrainium to be playing with those things.

Capitalist: Kids, now you too can come and experience the Craft of Mining! Here's your personized helmet lamp and pickaxe! Anything useful that you dig up belongs to me. Notresponsibleforsideeffectssuckasdeathandinjury.

Here's a link to the actual clip:

The part showing Sokolov is very brief, a couple of seconds at the end of the twitter video.

He doesn't move, his eyes are closed behind his glasses, and he's propped up against a pillow.

It could be a video of a photo.

Not very convincing that he's healthy, if not dead.

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Where do you find instances that have more extreme media than lemmynsfw?

Asking for a friend.

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They should have worked from home. In Russia.

All of the Russians should just go home.

Oh good, then twatter can now become as successful as Truth social...

If you're a male migrant in Russia, run for your life.

qBittorrent came to my rescue after uTorrent went commercial.

The prisoner, Dotson, was “found dead” so who knows how many hours the body was lying there.

That pretty much precludes any use of the heart for transplant.

His relatives said they received the body in a decomposed state, but that could have been poor storage by the coroner before or after the autopsy, or the body might have been well hidden inside the prison so it was a long time before someone found it.

The article isn’t very clear on the condition of the body at each stage of handling.

What’s in the article is probably all the information that the reporter could get out of the prison authority, the state Department of Forensic Sciences, and the University.

Was part of a team that was sent to Boston for a project. While we were there, the company announced they were changing the meal expense policy from reimbursement for submitted bills to a fixed stipend.

But that policy change was a couple of days away, so the whole team went to this fancy expensive restaurant for dinner, and we ordered expensive food and wines as one last hurrah.

I don’t even remember where or what I ate or drank.

I just remember it was a good time.

Refusing to go to war is actually surprisingly activist for the average politically cowed Russian citizen.

Hopefully this coalesces into an active domestic opposition movement.

! is the most popular and frequently updated Ukraine related community that I have found in lemmyspace.

It's a Finnish instance, but all English content.

Edit: I see you have it on your list. Try reading it natively on's website.

Reading across instances misses a lot of posts and comments.

It would be a shame if a few dozen explosive drones were to suddenly show up and blow it to pieces..

That's an interesting idea: That morale and fighting capability collapses when a unit reaches a 31%-35% casualty rate, and that's fine for any individual engagement where troop levels on both sides are static.

But the theory doesn't account for Russia's doctrine of throwing seemingly unlimited numbers of untrained or undertrained cannon fodder into front line trenches to make up the numbers, while professional or cohesive units sit in the next row of trenches.

If the article's collapse theory is to work, they need to decimate the professional units in the secondary lines of defense, and the cannon fodder will collapse on their own.

Why not both?

Calling a male a "nephew" in Chinese 契弟 kai dai is calling them a male prostitute.

Usually it doesn't mean target male has actually been used sexually, but commonly used for general belittlement.

This term comes from ancient times: Traveling businessmen who would take a young boy with them for sexual use, but if anyone on the road or destination asked who the boy was, the business man would euphemistically explain "He's my nephew"

契弟 kai dai is commonly translated as "nephew" but it means "adopted brother"

If you read up on how our brains age, it's basically pruning neuron branches. While this is a good thing up to a point, the pruning process continues well past our brains' peak performance because evolution is done with you at that point, I.e. you had your kids by then.

Insider spoke to six workers in tech who recently left Austin or are trying to relocate ...

Destroying more militarily valuable supermarkets because google maps can't find actual military equipment and bases.

Way to waste ballistic missiles and entrench hatred for Russia.

I think you're misunderstanding what the article is saying.

You're correct that it isn't the job of a system to detect someone's skin color, and judge those people by it.

But the fact that AVs detect dark skinned people and short people at a lower effectiveness is a reflection of the lack of diversity in the tech staff designing and testing these systems as a whole.

They staff are designing the AVs to safely navigate in a world of people like them, but when the staff are overwhelmingly male, light skinned, young and single, and urban, and in the United States, a lot of considerations don't even cross their minds.

Will the AVs recognize female pedestrians?

Do the sensors sense light spectrum wide enough to detect dark skinned people?

Will the AVs recognize someone with a walker or in a wheelchair, or some other mobility device?

Toddlers are small and unpredictable.

Bicyclists can fall over at any moment.

Are all these AVs being tested in cities being exposed to all the animals they might encounter in rural areas like sheep, llamas, otters, alligators and other animals who might be in the road?

How well will AVs tested in urban areas fare on twisty mountain roads that suddenly change from multi lane asphalt to narrow twisty dirt roads?

Will they recognize tractors and other farm or industrial vehicles on the road?

Will they recognize something you only encounter in a foreign country like an elephant or an orangutan or a rickshaw? Or what's it going to do if it comes across that tomato festival in Spain?

Engineering isn't magical: It's the result of centuries of experimentation and recorded knowledge of what works and doesn't work.

Releasing AVs on the entire world without testing them on every little thing they might encounter is just asking for trouble.

What's required for safe driving without human intelligence is more mind boggling the more you think about it.

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There are plenty of crops that have to be tended and harvested by hand: Most green leafy vegetables for example.

This opens those fields to dual use alongside power generation, which might reduce agricultural use of fossil fuels, and provide shade for field workers which is especially dangerous with climate change raising heat levels.

Oh well, can't win 'em all... Hopefully the other tubes are still usable, and it can be repaired.

I am waiting for "Russian artillery shells archaeological site"

Credit to the AFU mortar crew.

That was incredibly accurate. Of course we don't get to see bracketing fire, if any.

If they haven't been brushing their teeth and there's visible calculus on them, you could use a metal pick and scrape it off like a dentist doing teeth cleaning, to show them how thick it is.

Only some office buildings can be converted into reasonably shaped apartments, particularly those built before WW2, when architects wanted more natural light. After WW2, office buildings became a lot deeper because of expanded use of electric lights.

But there are ways to make more useful shapes out of those open floor plans.

Free NYT article link

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Crypto as an investment, and NFT for digital art, sure it's a scam.

Crypto as an extralegal means of moving money is totally useful.

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Might as well get more aid through before McConnell kicks the bucket or Trump gets re-elected...

What do those Russians they think they are? Republicans?

China is already claiming some currently Russian territory as its own, like it has small islands in the Pacific.


Lemmy and reddit are definitely more media friendly.

I think reddit managed to capture a certain generation of users for a lot of topics, and I think its recommendation algorithm helps keep the user experience more interesting by throwing exposing the user to new groups they may be interested in. Very similar to how YouTube works.

But like other social media, the reddit algorithm also creates a very silo-ed, radicalized user base.

Forum users tend to be older, and I have seen a few specialty forums die off due to attrition and a lack of new users.

I think one huge benefit of forums is the good ones are tightly moderated, so bots and trolls are quickly dealt with.

Forums whose topics where age is a lesser factor, or where non-commercialization benefits their userbase, are lasting longer, but generally they're getting picked off.

I think Discord is more like a media-friendly IRC, which was never my bag so I'll let others opine on it.

Well they did have to stuff all the smoke and mirrors inside the optics.

The smoke escaped this time.

Next time it will be an explosion of mirrors.

Fancy shooting there! A crack mortar crew maybe?

Seems like a waste of munitions. The dude had a tourniquet on his leg and was likely bleeding out and left to die by his side already.

Harley is a British de-mining volunteer in Ukraine, organizing, training and equipping others to find, disarm and remove mines and other UXO (unexploded ordinance)

And jeez, there are so many mines to clear.

Ukraine will need about 757 years to be de-mined using conventional techniques.