Admittedly there is a lot of content, though. to Lemmy – 488 points –

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Where do you find instances that have more extreme media than lemmynsfw?

Asking for a friend.

Maybe They're defederated by the bigger instances because of loli hentai.

Other than that and lemmynsfw, the only NSFW instances I'm aware of are and Pornlemmy is specifically focused on vanilla. I'm not sure what exactly lemmyfuk has. It really annoys me that none of these instances show anything if you aren't logged in, not even a list of communities. Yes, I know it's a limitation of the software.

EDIT: Now that I look again, pornlemmy has applied a patch to show NSFW without login, like lemmynsfw used to do. Good on them. Still vanilla though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ will definitely show communities if not logged in, and you can see everything if you open one. shows everything if not logged in. Both of these are from a web browser, and in my experience if I click on a communty from my feed in either connect or liftoff. and if you hit settings and on each instance, by default they are set to filter stuff for not logged in, you can turn that off, even if you're not logged in.

Yeah, see my edit about pornlemmy.

However, lemmynsfw does in fact block NSFW for people that aren't logged in. When I go there (in a web browser), the front page is full of SFW pictures of celebrities. The community list is just a bunch of celebrity-name communities, along with the occasional porn community that forgot to apply their NSFW tag. If I go to those communities though, no posts appear.

Burggit is a general instance tho. i wonder how hard self hosting is

Visit [Instance-URL]/instances (for example: and go to the "Blocked Instances" section.

Warning: Some of those might be illegal, you could find Chris Hansen asking you to take a seat.

Huh. Terminal curiosity, but randomly clicking through, I saw a lot of 2000's era racist/sexist humor, mostly banning NSFW, one entirely made up of github links and anime girls, a weirdly normal Reddit clone, and... one that was suspiciously banned from the internet lol.

So, at least one person got Hansen'd. Which, I can't imagine what they thought was gonna happen there.

I feel like I heard the story of the one banned from the internet. Dude in Ireland hosted a loli instance and got his shit raided. Could be a different instance, but I do know that is a thing that happened

There are some weird defederations on's list. What the hell did and do?

If it isn't something illegal, it's either extremist politics, or suspicious user/content ratio so they got flagged as spam instances.

...and yet we're still federated with

You gotta realize, its what the admins consider extreme, not whats actually extreme.