3 Post – 349 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Same here. Came over in the digg migration, left when 3rd party apps died.

15 more...

For me, its because its the canary. If no porn, then probably too corporate for real discussion

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Isnt this done by many games already?

8 more...

You have to be crazy to crack denuvo, and Empress fits the bill

Short answer: No

Long answer: Noooooooo

Makes sense, lithium mining is incredibly destructive to the environment.

9 more... is dying because the ml domain got picked back up by mali.

You have to pick the model that fits you, and specify what you want. This is how ai works mathematically, it trends towards one image,

Its like buying foundation randomly and being upset it doesn't fit your skin tone perfectly.

What's so stupid is that they don't even have to do that. alt text can be fucking handled by eslint and a pipeline checker. This is basic devops. Reddit has 1400 employees, wtf are they doing?

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They don't have names, so Im not sure what they expect.

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She was 6 when he married her. He just waited until she was 9 to rape her.

I bet they'll break old.reddit next.

Better Star Trek than a lot of actual Star Trek

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Well, if anything is going to get us there, and establish a permanent colony, it's corporate interests.

Can't wait for the first McDonald's on the moon.

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Cuz thats how it was drawn?

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Just wait, the right person will come along.

Turns out that doesn't work for guys.

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You can make a porn game thats both a good game and good porn. Its tricky as hell to balance, and you won't attract most players, but its possible.

The real issue is the stigma, which right fully exists. But I still want my triple A porn game.

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Hacker attacks, a tankie power mod, incel, /poltics being toxic. I think this site has really made it.


The wild west part was the best part. It felt real. Now it's all watered down.

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Thing is, they only moderate automatically, with bots. And it's easy to moderate away the word fuck. Not so easy to automatically moderate animal cruelty, if they avoid any trigger phrases.



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Yes? And America? Wtf kinda country forces whatsapp?

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You get denied and an investigation is opened.The main thing is catch idiots, and to slap an extra charge on for lying.

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Probably it was easier to grab one color than multiple? Hell, it's just 3 men repeating. it's not like the artist put that much effort into it.

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Shes the only one who can crack denuvo.

Do it. Destroy yourselves, and take the bigotry with you.

Lets be real, thats like 90% of people without a degree in that specific field

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Thats just typo shit. The real reason is the contract ended.

How the fuck do you fail to sell a full size truck in America?

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Thats different. Hes rich.

I think dude is having a mental break down or something.

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Theyre tankies, thats why.


And it's a question that's been asked every single week for 10 years.

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About 4(? Mightve been 5) years ago, some cops lifted their hoods and planted some drugs. (Or at least was the claim.)

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The internet. Youd first have to explain computers, and thats not easy. Going further just compounds the issue.

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Maybe, but it feels more corporate and sterile than just a different tone. Like they wanted more but had to reign it in.

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That doesn't sound like a bad thing.

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