They finally did it: Reddit made it impossible for blind Redditors to moderate their own sub to – 1236 points –

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What's so stupid is that they don't even have to do that. alt text can be fucking handled by eslint and a pipeline checker. This is basic devops. Reddit has 1400 employees, wtf are they doing?

Maybe they're busy being moderators for subs since they lost so many volunteers.

r/interestingasfuck has been abandoned for a week after the mods were given the boot. I think r/TIHI is also left closed without mods. If the admins were going to act as interim mods, they would have already started with those two. I don't think they've even removed the porn from the former yet.

11 days now and still no mods. Lmao.

Edit: Haha, TIHI pinned a "looking for new mods' post and it says "no experience required." It almost sounds like they're desperate. :D

Sending death threats to mods and their families I guess.

Getting increasingly frustrated with management decisions while knowing their hands are tied. Being "that guy/gal" who comes up with ideas is an outlier that must be squashed at this point. Everyone is keeping their heads down as long as their pay check clears. Good odds that most are looking for work, but everyone's got mouths to feed so I don't slight the staff in this at all.