14 Post – 184 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In this thread: Programmers disassembling the joke to try and figure out why it's funny.

One key difference between link aggregators (kbin/lemmy/reddit/digg) and microblogs (twitter/mastodon) on the one hand, vs social networks (facebook/myspace/diaspora/friendica) and instant messengers (aim/icq/xmpp/signal) on the other, is that the latter is highly dependent on your real-life social network, while the former is not. People using instant messengers and people on facebook want to use them to interact with their friends and family, so they have to use the platforms that those friends and family are on. On the other hand, people are happy to use link aggregators and microblogs as long as there are interesting people and communities to follow, even if they consist entirely of strangers.

Back in the early days of XMPP, when it was still known as "Jabber", I tried switching to it from AOL Instant Messenger. I told all of my contacts about it, and tried to get them to set up Jabber accounts. I was super excited that instant messaging was finally being standardized the way email was, and we wouldn't have to deal with AIM vs MSN messenger vs Yahoo messenger vs etc. I think I was also still bitter about being forced to switch from ICQ to AIM because all my friends had switched. I don't think I got a single person to start using Jabber, though. At one point I even declared that I was going to stop using AIM entirely, and that people would have to switch over so that we could keep talking to each other. Didn't work, of course. I just ended up not being able to talk to anyone until I finally went back to AIM.

A bunch of my friends use reddit, but we don't use the site to interact with each other in any meaningful way. This made switching to kbin really easy. Sure, I've told a few of them about it, but it doesn't really matter to me if they switch or not. As far as I'm aware, XMPP never really became it's own "thing" and experienced the kind of growth that the threadiverse has. Since we've passed the point of being self-sustaining, we can keep growing one user at a time, as individuals decide that they're tired of reddit and make the jump.

Because of this difference in dynamic, we're in a much better position against Meta than XMPP was against Google. The fact that we can even consider outright blocking Meta is a really good sign for us, regardless of whether we do so or not. Even if we do end up in a situation where 90% or even 99% of users are on Meta's platform, we can still refuse to allow them to compromise the ActivityPub protocol. Attempts to "embrace, extend, extinguish" will likely just result in non-blockading instances joining the anti-Meta blockade. With the connection to Meta severed, we'll just go back to enjoying the company of the 1 to 10% that remain, and that portion will likely be much larger than what we have now.

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Sympathy lost for this attention seeker.

She was an attention seeker back on reddit

So you never had any sympathy to begin with, because aTtEnShUn SeEkEr, which is the lamest cop-out ever. Just say you hate women and get it over with.

The goal of the copyleft movement (which overlaps heavily with the free software movement) is to carve out an intellectual commons that can't be re-enclosed. This commons is important for a number of reasons, including that it tends to be better for end-users of software in the sense that anti-features can't really gain a foothold. It does not automatically solve UX issues, nor does it stop people from using the knowledge of the commons to do bad things.

Much of the strength of the intellectual commons is that it builds on itself, instead of having to re-invent the same things in a dozen or more different proprietary endeavors. If we were to start a "peace software" movement, it would be incompatible with the commons, due to the restrictions it imposes. Peace software can't build on copyleft software, and none of the commons can build on peace software. These sorts of things were considered, and compatibility was deemed more important than pushing more specific values. This isn't a matter of the FSF or OSI standing in the way, it's just that "peace software" would have to go it alone.

Due to this dynamic, those that want to build "anticapitalist software" would be better served by using the GNU AGPL, rather than a license that restricts commercial use. The AGPL fixes the loophole that the GPL leaves open for network services, and should allow us to carve out a new noncommercial online ecosystem. It should even be used for non-network code, as that code may be repurposed or built upon by network services. I'm glad to see lemmy, kbin, and mastodon using it.

Maybe They're defederated by the bigger instances because of loli hentai.

Other than that and lemmynsfw, the only NSFW instances I'm aware of are and Pornlemmy is specifically focused on vanilla. I'm not sure what exactly lemmyfuk has. It really annoys me that none of these instances show anything if you aren't logged in, not even a list of communities. Yes, I know it's a limitation of the software.

EDIT: Now that I look again, pornlemmy has applied a patch to show NSFW without login, like lemmynsfw used to do. Good on them. Still vanilla though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Sounds like you're just proving her point.

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Sounds like something an addict would say.

Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masterbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masterbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

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I think part of it is that leftists (myself included) don't like being lumped in with tankies. I didn't downvote though.

The lead devs of lemmy are tankies, basically meaning authoritarian communists of the genocide-apologist variety. They also run the and instances.

This is also why I signed up on kbin instead of on lemmy. The other lemmy instances are fine, but I don't want to contribute to the influence of the lemmy devs any more than necessary. Hopefully they try to pull something stupid and get forked off the project.

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Anti-tankie memes and anti-nazi memes. Y'all are alright. ^_^

The government doesn't want you to know this, but identities are free. You can just take them. I have 458 identities.

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Nah, that's not how it went down. Cats are such weirdos because they domesticated themselves instead of being domesticated by humans, and because they're descended from a small species of wild cat that was both a predator species and a prey species.

Dogs and other domestic animals we molded to suit our purposes, but cats just kind of... showed up. The only selection pressure on them was "tolerate humans just enough to get at the rats in the humans' granaries". If anything, they domesticated us. Their meowing behavior is an attempt to mimic the cries of human babies.

The culture of a community matters, and well kept gardens die by pacifism.

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What a fucking cisgender.

Thank you for your very valuable opinion.

Ancaps: Government is bad because tyranny, we should get rid of it.

Also Ancaps: Here's how we can still enforce copyright, abortion bans, and racial segregation without a government! 🥰

Are you T-14?

This is more wholesome than I was expecting.

I think especially should rather focus more on cleaning up their Tankie & moderator issues

As much as I would love to see it, I don't think the lead devs of lemmy, who own both and, are going to ban themselves.

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You're posting to /c/foss, not /c/freeofchargeandthecodeisavailableforinspection.


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While lots of people are suggesting creating communities for your niche interests, I think it's even more important to to find niche communities that others have created and contribute to them. Obviously you can do both, but if you've got limited time to post it may be better to focus your efforts, and be the "first follower" rather than the leader.

I've been doing this for /m/Animemes and /m/anime_irl, just making one post per day in each. There hasn't been a ton of other activity yet, but the subscriber counts have been growing steadily, so we'll get there.

I've also been wanting to build up /m/Bitcoin in the same way, but I don't feel like I've got much to contribute right now, so I'm focusing on the anime communities.

That one had me wondering if it was someone parodying a bot. Given the rest of it though, they'd have to be way more dedicated to the bit than is realistic.

Anyway, back to discussions about chainsaws and related topics:

In case you haven't seen it yet, I've compiled a fairly sizeable list of focused instances. More would be cool, but there's a fair number to check out already.

Literally any evidence at all beyond "dessalines said so" would be a good start. Hell, even dessalines specifically describing what he saw would be great.

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Before I get into curmudgeon mode, I want to plug my two favorite roguelikes:

  • Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - Zombie/sci-fi apocalypse survival roguelike with a bonkers level of depth to it. It's very actively developed, and the devs are constantly adding more stuff to it. They also have their own lemmy instance at
  • Doom Roguelike - Perfectly encapsulates the early Doom games in roguelike form. This one is on the opposite end of the complexity spectrum from CDDA. Much simpler gameplay, though still highly tactical and challenging when you crank the difficulty up. The same author has created a spiritual successor, Jupiter Hell. I haven't logged enough hours for it to supplant DoomRL's position yet, but I do have to say that the atmosphere of it is fucking amazing.

With that out of the way, let's move on to "old man yells at Rogue Legacy":

The term "roguelike" has been stretched to the point of uselessness, often for marketing purposes. This necessitated the introduction of the term "traditional roguelike" for those of us that still want to discuss actual roguelikes. Binding of Isaac, Dwarf Fortess (fortress mode), Dead Cells, and Slay the Spire are all excellent games, but they're not roguelikes in any useful sense. If I'm looking for games that are "like Rogue", none of those are good suggestions. Moria, Nethack, Pixel Dungeon, DCSS, and DoomRL are.

Cataclysm: DDA occupies a bit of a weird space here. It fits within the technical definition of a traditional roguelike, but the overall experience is more of a departure from Rogue than other traditional roguelikes are. It's almost more akin to Minecraft or Terraria, in that you face dangers to gather resources to create items to face bigger dangers to gather more exotic resources to create more powerful items... and so on. I sometimes refer to this type of roguelike as "neotraditional", in order to acknowledge this departure.

Before anyone accuses me of being prescriptivist, sometimes prescriptivism is important. I'm not for haranguing people over every terminological deviation, but some terms are unique and useful, and we should try not to muddy them. "Begs the question" and "reactionary" come to mind. "Roguelike" was one, but it's pretty far gone at this point.

This meme is stealing.

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No, they turn into fighter jets, Macross style.

C'mon now. You may find BartsBigBugBag annoying, and "critical support" is kind of sus, but they're not anywhere near hexbear's level:

  • There's been no assertions here that anyone should end up "against the wall".
  • From what I've seen BBBB tends to argue mostly alone against a larger audience. Hexbears intentionally show up en masse to overwhelm their opposition.
  • BBBB's arguments appear to be genuine. At the very least, they're not flooding the thread with annoying image macros and pictures of pig shit.

We got overrun by Belgium. -_-

You're perhaps not wrong about the choice of community, especially after the hexbear fiasco. OP isn't an ML though, they're an anarchist.

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Such people have been surrounded by an echo chamber for years and years, they never hear any viewpoints other than what the establishment feeds them

Ah yes, the establishment that wants to (checks notes) abolish all governments and class hierarchy. How very establishment of them.

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Asking for a ride




The difference is than in an ideal anarchist polity, the minority can secede, even down to the individual. "Majority rule" only happens to the extent that the minority doesn't find secession to be a worthwhile option. Whereas under democracy, the land and resources of the minority, and even the people themselves are considered to rightfully belong to the state. Any serious attempt at secession is met with violence.

Actually-existing "anarchistic" societies may not completely live up to this ideal, but it is what we strive for. Anarchists consider freedom of association and freedom of disassociation to be paramount.

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I’ll never tell people to go buy guns.

I will. In addition to the above shopping list, get a gun and learn how to use it. The best time to do this was back when Trump was campaigning for president in 2016 and things were starting to look a little too brownshirts. The second best time is now.

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!RemindMe 7 years

I dunno, seems kinda bourgeois? Leftist mostly clean their own toilets. They also want to eliminate class stratification, even for those that had conservative parents.

It'd be another method to drive traffic to their websites and gain more ad revenue. Same as maintaining a presence on twitter or facebook, or providing an RSS feed.

Hey now, anarchists don't deserve this slander. Moderation typically falls under freedom of association/disassociation, which we're strongly in favor of. The people you have a problem with are the ones that think you should be forced to listen to them, which is pretty contrary to the anarchist ethos.