Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform to – 1759 points –
Reddit is removing ability to opt out of ad personalization based on your activity on the platform | TechCrunch

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They cannot for now, old.reddit still drives a LOT of traffic for them and most of the reddit oldheads from what ive seen just use old reddit to surf the site, so if they're not stupid enough to drive a huge part of their userbase away from their shithole to sites like lemmy and turn into digg 2.0, I don't see old reddit dying for awhile but remember this is spez we're talking about in the end, the self proclaimed Elon fanboi, so I cannot expect any intelligent decision from him.

so if they’re not stupid enough to drive a huge part of their userbase away from their shithole to sites like lemmy and turn into digg 2.0

HAHAHAHAHHA oh man that's funny

According to Reddit last year, while only 4% of users are on old.reddit, 60% of all mod actions are carried out on it. They can't get rid of it for now, but they are working on bringing updates to modding on new.reddit or newnew.reddit (nickname given by me).

Early 2024 is the estimated rollout for this, so I'd say mid-to-late 2024 is when old.reddit is kicked to the curb.

If those users are just dead weight to them, it makes business sense to even convert 10% them to their main ad filled product, and let the 90% go away. They want to go public and sell, they are definitely last stage of pulling a cash grab.