Dotfiles matter! Please stop dumping files in users’ $HOME directories. to – 670 points –

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Why aren't all of these just normal directories under either .local (for data files) or .config (for configuration)???

Actually, I think the XDG directories should be under a single XDG directory either dotted or not (a better name would be OK with me) ~/xdg/Documents, ~/xdg/Music, ~/xdg/Pictures etc.

Documents, Music, etc actually are configurable. Just edit ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs

I also had to (under KDE)

  • Edit the settings for each of the folders in Dolphin (The file manager)

  • Edit the location of the desktop folder in the settings found by right-clicking the desktop and going into "Configure Desktop and Wallpaper" Location.

  • Edit the show item by choosing Custom Location, and adding the XDG directory for the desktop. This setting may not stick.

That's the beauty: XDG compliant applications are entirely configurable using standardized environment variables.