How can I deal with strays? to Ask – 15 points –

::: spoiler Violence My home is in a very rural area in the US with no spay/neuter laws or animal control. It is also down a road that is the local traditional dumping ground for unwanted animals. We have our dogs, cats, and poultry here in a fenced area. Generally, strays can be chased off by shooting roman candles in their general direction. However, some are persistant. I'm looking for a workable alternative to feeding stubburn strays a cheeseburger before shooting the stray in the back of the head.

I cannot start fostering dogs for the same reason I cannot buy legos. It would get out of control. Also, I'd rather not burdon someone else with taking these dogs away to cage them for a few weeks before killing them.

This sucks.


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When I was a kid my dad would trap local stray cats, drive 50 miles away and then release them. If you have a forest a fair distance away you could do the same. It's not a great solution, but it's something.

Basically, I live in that place your dad dumped the animals.

Collect the forest strays, dump them in the suburbs. The circle of life.