Reddit CEO: We're Sticking With API Changes, Despite Subreddits Going Dark to World – 47 points –
Reddit CEO: We're Sticking With API Changes, Despite Subreddits Going Dark

'Unlike some of the 3P [third-party] apps, we are not profitable,' Steve Huffman says in defending the move to charge for high-volume API access.


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It's going to take a bit to get used to, but I'm like Lemmy for the most part.

Haven't removed my reddit account, but I only have one sub that is still online at this point.

Really does feel like they killed a giant.

I am so hesitant to delete my Reddit account. I've had it for 12 years and there is a small bit of me that hopes they will fire u/spez and go back to the Reddit I have loved for so long. As long as he is around though I won't be going back and it really does feel as though they have killed a giant.

I have the same hope but they're probably going to make the changes, make spez the fall guy, pay him fuck off money...and they'll go about their merry way. It's sad that Reddit trying to become a generic social media platform rather than just do it's own thing.

Yeah, I'll keep my account but my eyeballs aren't going to be there nearly as often. Just like I still check Fark out once in a while but don't stick around long.