Apple is ordered to face Apple Pay antitrust lawsuit

Lee to – 217 points –
Apple is ordered to face Apple Pay antitrust lawsuit

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You can also just use the physical card; there are plenty of choices. Consumers want to use Apple Pay specifically though because Apple created a really compelling experience for the end user.

It's also worth pointing out that with Apple Pay, banks are forced to compete against each other for every transaction. Every card is treated exactly the same as every other card from every other bank, and they all get the same (best) user experience. Banks would prefer if their app were the default for NFC, making it more difficult to mix your use of cards from different banks.

Locking down NFC for payments is in many ways, paradoxically, pro-competition.

Certified Apple biggest sheep spotted. If it's done by Apple, everything is great and perfect; just like how they don't collect personal data without user consent. šŸ˜‚ šŸ¤£

You do realize this whole thing is just a little squabble between a big tech company and big banks over money, right? Itā€™s not like thereā€™s even a ā€œlittle guyā€ to root for anyway. Iā€™m just pointing out that Appleā€™s policies force the banks to compete against each other on a more-even footing.

And all youā€™ve got to contribute is a lazy ad hominem and a straw man.

I'm not rooting for anyone. If you think that one corporation blocking another from providing unique experience and forced them to play on their own field is pro consumer, you don't know the basics of how Free Market works. With Apple entering financial market with their Apple Card services, they're providing themselves a good ground for manipulation. This is exactly how monopolistic behavior works.

You're just high on your Apple shill.