Lawmakers say government shutdown appears inevitable to – 154 points –
Lawmakers say government shutdown appears inevitable

A government shutdown increasingly looks inevitable as GOP opponents of a stopgap in the Senate seek to drag out the process ahead of a midnight Sunday deadline.

Opponents of the Senate stopgap, which is backed by leaders in both parties, are delaying a vote to give the House a chance to pass its own continuing resolution to fund government.

Senate conservatives want to give Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) more leverage to negotiate spending cuts and changes to immigration policy, leverage that would diminish if the Senate jams the House by moving first and passing a relatively clean stopgap.

It’s unclear if House Republicans will be able to rally around their own funding measure or if McCarthy would put the Senate bill up for a vote in the House once it passes the upper chamber.


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All goverment shutdowns under Democratic control happened for 1 day. The Republicans caused Government shutdowns in 1995/1996 for 21 days in an attempt to cut medicare and social security, 2013 for 16 days in order to attempt to cut Obamacare and 2018/2019 for 35 days in order to build a border wall. I don't even know what the Republicans want now. They are too busy fighting for themselves. But this will backfire on them.

You say that but they'll just blame Democrats for it anyways and their idiotic voters will believe every fuckin word like the simpletons they are.