Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck - Wired

Fubarberry@sopuli.xyzmod to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 494 points –
Everything Should Be As Easy to Upgrade As the Steam Deck

I doubt this is news to anyone here, but always good to see positive coverage of the Deck


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I upgraded mine before I ever even turned it on. Now I just wish I'd gone with the 1tb instead of 512gb. I did get a hub, that allows me to connect external drive enclosures. A recent update just enabled auto-mounting external drives, which is nice.

I checked and the 1tb is only about $30 more than 512, so I think I’ll go that route so I can just dump things without any consideration.

Right now I’m using a 256sd card and mostly playing roms, and a few oldish games so nothing too large in size.