You can have any B-tier superpower you like. What do you choose? to – 263 points –

I'd be Cables Don't Tangle Man.


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I actually seem to have this one: Appropriately sized container man. I can find the best sized container when we have leftovers from cooking. Extra pasta sauce? This container fits it all in perfectly.

IDK man, that's toeing the line of an A-tier power.

My wife has a version of this; it's perfect liquid measurement estimation woman. She never has to use measuring cups for liquids. I've actually bothered to test this power, and it's uncanny.

All I got was hysterical kitchen blindness man. I can't see things I'm looking for in the fridge or pantry, even when they're right in front of me.

Sorry man, yours isn’t even a power. It comes default with the Y chromosome. I can be staring directly at something I’m looking for and not register that it’s right there.

I was looking for something that was literally between my two hands on the counter, straight where I was looking, this morning.

I kinda have something like this. I’m pretty good at estimating distances. From inches to feet and miles (don’t metric me it will get all fucked up.)

A residence floormate I knew back in university also worked as a bartender at a hotel.

His one story relevant to this thread is he once poured a drink for a customer over ice without measuring it. Think scotch or whiskey. Customer said there's no way that's an ounce. They argued for a bit; my friend poured everything from the glass into a shot glass minus the ice, and it was exactly on the line. End of argument.

He admitted to me that some of that may have been water from the melted ice.

Me: Owns a variety of sizes of containers

Also me: Only uses 2 of the sizes, and never has a clean one when I need it

I might have this one too. Probably from that microwave accident I was involved in.