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Joined 12 months ago

I keep seeing comments along the lines of calling OP's parents "elderly", but early 60s are barely reaching retirement age. They shouldn't be having such cognitive impairments...

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My wife told me the most impressive and the most annoying thing about me both is the amount of random knowledge that comes out of my mouth. If only she knew how much time I spent on Wikipedia since that site became a thing. And just following links around before that...

My first thought every time I see a pure bash project: "wow" followed by "but... why".

I get that we have bash on most machines, reducing dependencies, all that jazz. But it's so painful to do anything nontrivial with it. There are so many small potential papercuts and edge cases, I'd rather pull my teeth out with a pair of pliers than code more than a simple script in it.

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I mean, this logic could extend to desktop computers, and most people don't upgrade theirs for years on end. But I can definitely see the sheer novelty of being able to do this with a laptop being a motivator...

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This is indeed a thought

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You're covered in millions of bacteria just standing in the metro or walking in a public bathroom, probably.

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Ah, yes, 2h of sleep after 36h of consecutive waking time, now that's safe.

It's not a contest, you know. I almost got killed by one of y'all just last week coming back from the hospital late at night, sleepyhead almost shoved me in the ravine. You're just as, if not more, dangerous as drunk drivers. I hope you get a DUI.

Fucking get some sleep before taking a couple tons of metal at highway speeds on the same road as other people. You used the term "unwise" elsewhere in the comments, I call it criminally negligent.

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Technically, no, indeed. On paper, most (outside UNIX purists) refer to it (and MINIX) as Unix-like, as they don't share much from UNIX outside the underlying philosophy. Ritchie himself still thought of Linux as mostly Unix in essence. Same kind of Ayckchyually, basically lol

Some governments who got put into power under the promise of communism did stray away from their promise of communism and statelessness into authoritarianism, and it killed people, yes. Capitalism has also killed and is killing as we speak, so I'm curious why it's "okay" in their case.

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Yeah it's not such a natural behavior for them to hang out in packs. They like to wander alone. Extremely individualistic animal. You don't own a cat, they tolerate your presence in their home...

Although I did stumble on some kind of large cat group meet in an alleyway on a night walk, a couple of years ago. Having ~20 cats sitting in a circle staring at you in the dark is strangely intimidating...

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I bought my Steelcase Leap V1 from a guy who did just that - bought chairs from office sales, replaced bad cushions, cleaned and greased them up, then resold them out of his garage. Bought mine early pandemic. Still feels as good as when I bought it.

GrapheneOS sounds really interesting, but I'd need some kind of alternative to Android Auto - could even be a new head unit with some other piece of software... Fumbling around with a small phone screen while driving is a (physical) security nightmare in and of itself.

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I never really saw a computer as an "investment". They're pure expenses as far as I'm concerned. Any of the ones I buy could break tomorrow. I don't buy extended warranties, so outside the legal coverage, I'm SOL if something goes wrong anyway. Considering how bad repairability is with other brands anyway, it's not like you're throwing away much. Many of the components are just standard hardware, too - RAM, SSD...

Considering this, I don't really see why I would deprive myself of buying something rather novel I'm interested in, given the product already showed some reliability, in fear of some potential hostile corporate takeover. YMMV, of course.

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Eh. It's got impact enough on my life - I don't use Reddit anymore.

Free VPNs should be avoided at all costs for many reasons, and the alternatives are an additional service to pay for, to fix another service you already pay for too that doesn't work the way it should work in the first place.

I don't see what's ineffectual about the complaints. Of course people will, and should, complain. Loudly.

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I don't know how they'd know unless they could read your computer's process list or something like that... And even then, how would they know if a process is recording or just receiving audio?

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But how would they detect that watermark being recorded by a complete separate process or hardware output?

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This. It's not either-or.

You learned the hard way to always check what's going to be removed when using autoremove didn't ya. I did too, years ago. Must have been on Hardy Heron. It's a mistake you only make once... 😬

The solutions given by other people seem good enough. Reinstalling your Desktop Environment (in Ubuntu's case, Gnome) should fix it. But it's not all too clear what else you may have removed alongside.

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You've genuinely never seen a job promote their "5 sick days a year" BS like it was generous lol? You also must not work construction. Being sick in construction means even your co-workers will be mad at you, for some reason.

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Oh, for sure, but to me it's "building a car with a screwdriver" impressive. It's impressive that the feat is doable at all, but why one would subject themselves to this eludes me haha.

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we can't stop anywhere

Why? No road stops anywhere in your 30h trip? No parkings in the city? No motels anywhere?

my final driving stretch is the final one and 30 mins of under 40 kmph in the city

More than half accidents happen a handful of miles from home. Most accidents are caused by intersections. You're not less likely to have an accident cause you're almost there.

Its also its past midnight and its empty roads rn.

So exactly when one of y'all almost killed me just days ago! Even better.

Havent seen in a vehicle minus trailers in the last hour

Good to know. We'll know who to blame if a trailer goes off road.

There are no excuses. Don't drive sleep deprived.

Nyan Cat

That's quite recent still tho

I'd describe it that way with my ADHD. My subconscious is literally overriding my conscious in real-time. I'll be in deep decision paralysis while the thoughts of the consequences of not doing the thing at all become too stressful, then I'll hyperfocus and cram as much work as humanly possible in a very unhealthy period of time. The guilt also tends to build up, but I just can't get started without something tangible to scare me up. I called it anxiety-based productivity before knowing what it was lol. It's a really vicious loop too, cause I got away with it too often as I grew up (the ADHD-PI/somewhat gifted combo that often falls through the cracks).

Yeah. As a musician, I always think "well... yeah, of course" whenever I hear this. A set of four 4/4 bars is basically the most prevalent phrasing in popular Western music, and it has been the case for centuries at this point in time.

Most ADHD symptoms are things everyone can relate to, this one included . The difference is most people do some of those things occasionally, while ADHD people tend to do many of those things multiple times a day. For example in my case I have this so-called doorway effect multiple times a day, but I also lose track of what I'm talking about or forget words really often, lose my things all over the place, need to work with alarms and reminders to be remotely close to functional due to severe time blindness, etc.

Also a gentle reminder not to party poop - although you were pretty respectful and didn't downright downplay the symptoms, some people suffering from ADHD tend to get rightfully tired of these comments altogether.

I can't even remember if I took my meds on some days lol. I need reminders, tasks, alarms and calendar events for everything, or I can't function.

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They openly call Democrats radical lefties nowadays

I have a hard time believing anyone is still using the term "woke" non-ironically.

Edit: ah, your comment history is kind of telling. You don't have to bother arguing back, cause I won't.

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That's a whole lot of assumptions based on... not much, I suppose? Last I checked, most people using food banks are on disability, social security, single parents, or just low-income people.

You can't help people if you don't inform yourself before forming an opinion either.

You're basing all this on a whole lot of assumptions:

  • The only way one can get a ticket is because they were reckless
  • Driving outside the law, regardless of time and place, is automatically risky
  • Speed traps really make the roads safer for everyone

I mean, assuming your employer's corporate structure encourages this very thing (as does Google's), and you want career progression (as having career progression at Google is presumably great for your resume), what else can one do?

Not saying he wasn't a dipshit, just that this is just how it works in corporate land. Yet another reason I tend to avoid working at one of these places lol

Damn, ballsy. I definitely abide by that unwritten rule that the best time to find a new job is while you still have one. Happy it never negatively impacted you, but I have a kid that depends on me, can't really risk that unless I think I can find something in a matter of weeks, even days... I do have some emergency savings, but I'd rather it be for actual emergencies (firing/layoffs, sickness, whatever) than me quitting.

I'd rather start doing the bare minimum and continue sucking off the maximum amount of money I can from an employer I hate out of pure spite lol. If they're not happy with it, they can fire me, and I'd at least get access to the unemployment I've been paying those taxes for anyway.

I'm glad they changed it. The name of your product, the thing it's gonna be known for, is a terrible place for puns. Losing potential users and contributors over a joke name is dumb as hell.

I found the name funny, but having to tell my 6yo to open "crack pipe" to play his game isn't as much...

We all gotta appreciate how being "eco-anxious" got weaponized. Kind of like "woke" was, too. It's a major global event that's very obviously been happening in front of our very eyes for a long time now. We're still at the stages of fighting over it being a thing or not in the first place, as far as policymakers and industry goes. To top it off, things aren't getting better either. Of course it makes people anxious. Who in their right mind wouldn't?

This utopia that capitalism works well only does in a vacuum, looking at the westernp/"developed" world. Half the world's population lives on less than $7 a day. Most people objectively have close to nothing to show for their labor.

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Yeah, same. I have literally zero use for it outside tinkering, and knowing myself, I'll play with it for a couple of days, then forget it in a drawer, rinse and repeat every handful of months. It's just expensive enough that it feels pretty wasteful to do so lol

If anything, for me, it's the total opposite. I got used to tap to click by using my old MacBook with its awesome trackpad, and I turn it off on shitty trackpads because it leads to tons of misclicks.

Guessing you live in or close-ish some kind of urban center? I got my license at 18 cause the closest bus stop from my parents' place was a 30 minute walk from the closest bus stop, getting literally anywhere useful was at the very minimum another 30 minutes on top of this, and getting downtown was another 45-50 minutes of bus+metro over those last two stretches, assuming no traffic. I currently live 60km outside of town, it's the exact same story. 20 minute walk to the bus, 30 minute bus ride to the train station, and 45 minutes of train to get downtown. North America was built for cars, for better or (especially) for worse, our public transit infrastructure is terrible, things are so far from each other, nothing was built for it...

When I moved out of my parents' place and got an apartment in the city with my wife though, we managed without a car. Bus/metro/walking got us everywhere we needed for every day life, and we used car sharing services when we needed to go out of town. I wouldn't mind going back to this, but living in town would be literally twice as expensive, and we're deeply priced out of that area if we ever want to buy, despite me making a solid 6 figures lol

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No judgement if you like it, but do I want and need content like that second one lol?

There's heaping tons of demo scene stuff on YT, no?