How do I tame my frustration toward my aging parents? to No Stupid – 198 points –

My parents are 57 and 63. My mother is erratic, forgetful, and when she gets mad she sometimes screams and throws things. My father is slowly going deaf, getting slower and more stubborn and forgetful as well. They can be infuriating sometimes, but I know that they're aging and I can't be mad at them. How do I deal with this, especially early on in preparation for further down the road?


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I keep seeing comments along the lines of calling OP's parents "elderly", but early 60s are barely reaching retirement age. They shouldn't be having such cognitive impairments...

Well, this post is about being prepared for when it gets worse.

I think you should start looking for specialists, especially with your mom's erratic behavior. She shouldn't be having that kind of cognitive decline yet.