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Joined 1 years ago

At least Trump can't taint the jury pool since his lawyers neglected to request a jury.

If I can't burn your holy book without terrorism there's a problem.

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Love how SCOTUS misrepresented facts in this case. Thanks Cardinal Alito and Cult Lady Barrett.

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Good! Apartments are for living, not tourists.

Yes. They're not developers for a reason.

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Scientific illiteracy. People think phytoestrogen is the same as human estrogen.

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I don't think you understand what racism means. AA was there to help even the playing field.

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As a gay man, I say yes. I get to watch the hetero world from the outside and yeah, Barbie nails it. Folks just don't like the mirror.

I have questions about this survey.

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She's already been rebuked by a conservative appeals court. It's not the media making her look bad. They just followed the stories she created.

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Ah, so it's the old Catholics vs Protestants again.

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I'm against burning books but if someone wants to, let them.

Always be mean to scabs.

Alright, hear me out, I hate him for how capricious he was but Christine is heads and shoulders above the rest of those clowns. He would actually be competent in the job.

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Not really. Eat the rich comes from the saying "when there's nothing left to eat, the poor eat the rich". Huckabee is advocating for actual violence in the name of a conspiracy theory. That's a false equivalency.

The enlightened centrism is suffocating.

The article is driving traffic. That doesn't change the fact she fucked up her job.

You're just muddying the waters by shifting the discussion away from her actions to how they're reported.

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Look, I get the Dems are our only vehicle for Progressive policies becoming reality because I know we're never going to move away from FPTP voting any time soon. I just don't like having to go along with the same corporate greed. It feels very two steps forward, one step back.

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Not really. It's a secular issue. France bans all religious displays in schools.

What's good for business is good for Switzerland.

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Guess you haven't been following all the voter laws in red states.

I'm pretty sure this is their desired outcome.

They didn't need to question anyone.

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No. There is the Speaker Pro Temp. They'll run the chamber until a new vote. Speaker votes don't need to happen any time soon either. Unlike the start of the term, the members are already sworn in and can go about regular business.

The current Pro Temp is a McCarthy ally who was in the debt ceiling negotiations. So we'll probably see the same as what McCarthy would be doing.

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Oh nice. We can finally got some non-tech, non-foss subs going.

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This is so dumb. It's not arbitrary. It's in their TOS. Apple doesn't want the negative brand associations with him.

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This is such bs. Lawyers shouldn't be ruling on what is medically necessary. This will just feed into the ignorance and fear that transitioning is dangerous.

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We're boned.

Oh my friend, they very much are objectified. Have you never hung around straight women or gay men? Those men are slabs of meat and that's it.

Close, it's you can't even say gay people or kids exist

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Greene won't get the votes.

I think what you're missing or weren't paying attention to was the fact this all would have been avoided had McCarthy just stuck with the deal from the Debt Ceiling.

Dems didn't push him out. They just didn't save him after he said he wouldn't negotiate with them. He also spent all weekend going off on Dems on all the Sunday shows when it was his own caucus holding talks hostage.

I think you don't know enough to really speak on the topic.

You mean Ms Little Lady Bugs?

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Those parents don't know shit.

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Nah man, fuck people driving up my rent for hosting vacationers. I reported an AirBnB to the city last year and now we have actual tenants.

Part of me is holding out for some kind of unity coalition government but that will never happen in US politics.

No shit. It's to sell stories and make money. Thinking anything else is naive at best.

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  1. that's not what grooming is. 2) you're repeating the same tired anti-gay hysteria Anita Bryant was toting around in the 70s and 80s. 3) I don't think you're well educated on this topic, or history, or... well anything.

I'm bummed they're closing the 117th street Target but it's been pretty barren for the past year or so. Target also just opened the smaller store at 86. It looks like they're reducing their retail footprint.

As far as retail theft, there's a Costco in that same mall and Costco recently reported significantly less shrinkage than other retailers. That makes me question the crime narrative.

Will he be replaced by Major Major Major Major?

Conservatives love theocracy. Why would they object to this?

Anything is better than the seal on a blue sheet