Radion, an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash. to – 509 points –

radion is an internet radio CLI client, written in Bash.

Radion can be customized as far as the station selecting program is concerned. The user can choose between:

  • read


  • fzf


  • rofi


  • dmenu


Update: Introduced new feature: customizing prompt text for fzf dmenu and rofi.

Update: MacOS support added now thanks to Andrea Schäfer

Also, I was forced by my daughter to add some anime radio stations...

Update: Recording functionality added, with the use of another (you guessed it) bash script


Also options in read as Preferred selector are also case insensitive.

Any feedback is appreciated!


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Oh, for sure, but to me it's "building a car with a screwdriver" impressive. It's impressive that the feat is doable at all, but why one would subject themselves to this eludes me haha.

Some people just have a natural affinity, I guess. If it made the programmer happy and it’s not full of maliciously exploitable bugs, why not?

Oh, for sure! But I'm a developer myself, so like most of us, I tend to take my technical opinions as gospel by default 😉

Sometimes it can be fun to push your limits or see how far you can go down some personally motivated rabbit hole. Just saying, I'd never do it with bash myself. Don't get me wrong, I write bash scripts all the damn time, but the second it gets more complicated than aligning a handful of simple commands without too much output parsing BS, requiring some obscure awk one liner nobody understands after 2 days, I bail out to something less awkward.