How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) to – 45 points –
How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)

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The article is not about single persons who might be trolls or whatever to qualify as a "bad guy". But about megacorporations like Meta. The best way to deal with them is-in my opinion-to not cooperate and defederate them as soon as they start to enter.

The article is not about single persons who might be trolls or whatever to qualify as a “bad guy”. But about megacorporations like Meta.

Yes, sorry for being unclear. I meant the bad 'guy' Meta. Maybe continuing with 'entity' would have been better:

we can be sure some entities will join

ensure only good entities enter

The best way to deal with them is-in my opinion-to not cooperate and defederate them as soon as they start to enter.

I tend to agree. Still quite new to the topic.