Torrent client rankings to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ – 1465 points –

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I feel like Transmission is getting unnecessary hate from this chart. It works very good, is stable, efficient...

its the perfect client for arr or just simple torreting

I disagree, qbitorrent is better. Had problems with transmission in my arr docker VM.

It's lthe only one I'd use but...

It really is lacking basic functionality. Hell, o can't even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done, which would be really helpful if it existed

Also, I don't think it's actively developed anymore, I haven't seen an update in its functionality in at least 5 years, maybe even 10

Hell, o can’t even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done

Sure you can, click the gear icon and do it. Not hard.

Also, I don’t think it’s actively developed anymore

fud fud fud

Not fud, I personally haven't seen any update since at least the last 5 years. If there are updates then I'll be pissed with Ubuntu for sticking with the 5-10 year old version

Hell, o can't even order torrents that are currently running by size or % done, which would be really helpful if it existed

Alright I'll stick with qbittorent