Amazon Prime Video is able to remove a video from your library after purchase. to – 1695 points –

We are contacting you regarding a past Prime Video purchase(s). The below content is no longer playable on Prime Video.

In an effort to compensate you for the inconvenience, we have applied a £5.99 Amazon Gift Card to your account. The Gift Card amount is equal to the amount you paid for the Prime Video purchase(s). To apologize for the inconvenience, we've also added an Amazon Gift Certificate of £5 to your account. Your Gift Card balance will be automatically applied to your next eligible order. You can view your balance and usage history in Your Account here:


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I still have my CRT and old game consoles and use them sometimes. The blurriness with the games doesn't bother me, but maybe a movie would be worse. I am constantly forgetting my glasses though so I'm kind of used to blurry. I still might grab a VCR if I see one, though, just to show my children what it was like when I was a kid. Could be fun.


Nothing better than a 15625hz sawtooth tone.