New 'Looney Tunables' Linux bug gives root on major distros

Joe to – 256 points –

From BeepingComputer.


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That was the what I was thinking of when I wrote the comment. The CTO of Azure also said that he deems C++ in it’s entirety to be deprecated. I felt it was an exaggeration at first but I’ve started to agree with him recently.

Google also noticed a 33% decrease in Google Home crashes caused by NullPointerExceptions after switching to Kotlin. They have also declared Kotlin to be the preferred language for android.

It seems like the industry is shifting towards “safer” languages.

I'm not in America but the organisation for NIST recommends it in guidance now and its getting backing by the nsa

I see this becoming required in the future for new projects and solutions when working for new governnent solutions. The drum is certainly beating louder in the media about it.