3 Post – 155 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


But Oracle will be leading towards an "offer" to overlook earlier unlicensed software if they agree to sign up to the new subscription model, Biggs said.

So...Oracle is just adopting the mafia mentality to accomplish this? Yeesh.

I hate how YouTube seems to intentionally show salacious ads if you opt out of ad personalization. I get a ton of Temu spam despite not purchasing anything from that app or even having it on my phone, and the ads themselves usually feature scantily-clad women that takes up 70% of the screen. I've made a habit of just opening up the comments section and keeping them open the entire duration of the video. It really feels like YouTube/Google/Alphabet is saying "oh, you don't want people around you to think you're a perv? Let us collect more data about you so you can save face in public when you use our app at the gym or at work."

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We now consider this anniversary version of Half Life to be the definitive version, and the one we'll continue to support going forward. Therefore, we'll be reducing the visibility of Half Life: Source on the Steam Store. We know Half-Life: Source's assets are still being used by the Source engine community, so it'll remain available, but we'll be encouraging new Half-Life players to play this version instead.

Wow. Didn't think they'd ever acknowledge HL:S again but here we are. This is such a cool update.

Damn dude lol

  • The Bread Circus
    • They go through the Star Wars movies from a book lore perspective, point out flaws in the writing and lore-breaking, and offer suggestions on how the sequels could have been handled differently. They did The Last Jedi, and I really enjoyed it. They also have some cool videos on podracing, ships, and guns.
  • Defunctland
    • History of Disney rides, takes the culture of the time into consideration, the video on queues is a must-watch, imo.
  • Draw Like a Sir
    • Really solid drawing tutorials that aren't very complicated, takes the time to break down high-level concepts into simple exercises. Overall a really fun channel to watch, even if you're not into drawing.
  • Fredrik Knudson
    • Long, deep-dive videos into internet history/culture. Rare uploads, but a banger every time.
  • James Lee
    • Newgrounds-era animator with amazing compositing techniques and a very unique animation style where he inserts himself into his videos as a very animated caricature of himself.
  • Lemmino
    • Like the History Channel but without the fluff. Cool topics, very nice animations, high production, high-quality content.
  • MattKC
    • Known for a Lego Island decompilation project. Also does retro console repair from time to time — very fun watch.
  • Paper Will
    • Rare uploads. but interesting video essay topics. High quality and a nice watch during lunch.
  • Pecos Hank
    • A storm chaser who is Reed Timmer's ying to his yang. Very chill, documentary-quality footage featuring himself playing guitar and talking about the beauty and power of nature. You've probably seen his footage on the Weather Channel!
  • Technology Connections
    • Great deep dives into random technology, old and new. The video on the popcorn button on microwaves is really good (I think that may be on his second channel?)

Don't skimp on anything that separates you from the ground: shoes, tires, mattress, etc. Your body will thank you later

Sending mixed signals to programmers

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Taking a cursory look I feel like posts still aren't being engaged with like they used to. I remember seeing posts with 100,000 upvotes very regularly on the front page, but you really don't see that anymore. Yeah maybe they tweaked their calculations but why make your site look like it's not as engaging as before right before a major IPO offer?

YouTube was supposed to be that, and it was well on its way back in like 2010 with animators, then they changed their algorithm and method of tallying payment to creators and shut out any type of channel that created work that took a while to manufacture.

As a Futurama fan...Futurama. The reboot is very mediocre at best, the show was great when it was a bunch of characters with wildly different personalities messing around in the year 3000. The first reboot was kinda less interesting but ok for the most part, I personally think the movies were pretty bad and the new season just wants to be South Park with 3-year old dated references. It had a good run, should've ended after season 4

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I think it's more winning the battle but losing the war for Twitter. It just ain't the same and probably never will be.

I think using the site you're protesting against is peak slacktivism

Immortality. If you go to the bottom of the ocean or space without protection your muscles won't get any more oxygen and you'll get rigor mortis and basically be stuck forever.

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And to be fair, that whole narwhal bacon thing was a weird fad of internet culture as a whole, not just on Reddit (think pre-2014 internet imo)

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Weakest of the season so far, imo. A Yelp joke in 2023? Surprised they didn't do a made-up coin name like another user pointed out, using the actual name just immediately dates it (anyone remember the Amazon stock joke?). Good plot idea, kinda meh execution. I would've preferred the episode keeping the characters together instead of splitting up, a lot of this show is the dialogue bouncing off one another, but when everyone's doing their own thing it just devolves into "well this is weird" sort of snarky commentary about the current situation.

It's a joke from King of the Hill, one of the main characters misquotes the joke the way the OP commentor wrote it.

I will say the variation of the Ford joke I've always heard growing up was "Fixed Or Repaired Daily."

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You enjoy Linux to freely use your machine. I use it to make the cow say funny thing. We are not the same.

Everything is derivative

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I need to find an offline hobby, something that doesn't involve a screen

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Yarr harr fiddle-dee-dee

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Knowing Titanfall 3 died for this is heartbreaking

In a nutshell, a backdoor was intentionally planted by a malicious actor in xz Utils, an open-source data compression utility widely used in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. This discovery was made by Andres Freund, a developer and engineer working on Microsoft’s PostgreSQL offerings. He was troubleshooting performance problems on a Debian system. Specifically, SSH logins were consuming excessive CPU cycles and generating errors with Valgrind, a memory debugging tool. Through sheer luck and Freund’s careful eye, he eventually discovered that these issues were the result of updates made to xz Utils. Upon closer inspection, he found that updates to xz Utils were the result of a maliciously inserted backdoor. The backdoor, present in xz Utils versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1, manipulated the sshd executable, allowing anyone with a predetermined encryption key to upload and execute arbitrary code on affected devices.

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Well TIL, thanks for the graphic!

Linus Torvalds gets those reports and puts you on the naughty list

I've enjoyed No Man's Sky since day 1. I didn't really follow the game or any of the major hype behind it, I just saw a cool space game on ps4 and played the hell out of it. Fell in love with the music, the setting, and just walking around weird landscapes, flying to different atlas stations, and just enjoying being alone.

I still play it, and am so happy HG continues to give the game constant love and attention, but there are days I turn networking off on my ps4 and play the 1.0 version again, just to go back to that part of my life for a little bit.

Every fifth step I take in a sidewalk must have the sidewalk crack be perfectly positioned in the middle of my foot, then five steps later the other foot gets to step on the crack. Feels very satisfying but it does cause my gait to be a bit off at times lol

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They released the game 5 years too late, it was clearly made for a different market

He's a decade late on that. I don't see people wanting one app having that much of their information being constantly collected in the background. Then again, millions of people agreed to Threads' data harvesting so...

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You mean everyone's username doesn't follow the "WordWord####" format!?

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Consolidation of media is cringe, regardless of the form it takes

Finally!! I've been waiting for this so I can officially ditch edge

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Linux Mint: Debian Edition. Love mint's cinnamon DE, and the plus of being away from Canonical's shenanigans is great. It's been stable and my daily driver for months now.

Bingo,I think people forget Valve went out of their way to make their profit margin razor thin, or at a slight loss because they know the benefit of having a device that basically assures a new paying user will be added in their Steam ecosystem. It's based on Nintendo's walled garden philosophy after all, just refined really well on PC.

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Yeah, all fours

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How about lending your old pal kryllic a couple of bucks?