Research Shows Strong Link Between ADHD and Car Crashes in Older Adult Drivers to – 148 points –
Research Shows Strong Link Between ADHD and Car Crashes in Older Adult Drivers

In a study on the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and its association with crash risk among older adult drivers, researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health found that older adult drivers with ADHD are at a significantly elevated crash risk compared with their counterparts without ADHD. Outcomes included hard- braking events, and self-reported traffic ticket events, and vehicular crashes.

Until now research on ADHD and driving safety was largely limited to children and young adults, and few studies assessed the association of ADHD with crash risk among older adults. The results are published online in JAMA Network Open.


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Oh great, is car insurance gonna start raising premiums for people with ADHD now too?

And due to the expectation that it's hereditary: sorry your daddy gave his medical information in the previous century so you can't be insured by our company unless your willing to tripple the rates because you could be aswell.

Yes and everyone else’s will stay exactly the same. It’s only fair, or something