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"Soy boy" is commonly used by MAGAs as a derogatory term to mean a feminine man. There was some rumor about how soy could mimic estrogen in the body (not really true) and so they believe that eating soy products makes men feminine. This is obviously bullshit, but maybe it's somehow spiraled from "real men shouldn't eat soy" into "no one should eat soy"

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I mean, they never claimed it was to protect users. It was to protect their user's data from being used without paying Reddit. They didn't like that AI companies were using Reddit content as a free source of training data, they never gave a shit about their users' privacy.

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To be clear, they're trying to get rid of it because oral phenylephrine doesn't work. It's completely ineffective at being a decongestant.

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That's true, but this is also ensuring that people can vet whatever they get out of an AI and make sure it isn't just hallucinated garbage

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Even then, anyone can use inspect element to make it look like it says whatever you want.

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Yeah it's a weird thing to say. Google pays Mozilla a HUGE amount of money to be Firefox's default search engine. Although the main reason they're happy to pay so much for that is that they WANT to keep at least one Chrome competitor alive, so they don't end up in an anti-trust shitfest like Microsoft did with Internet Explorer.

That's what I thought too, but this system doesn't actually use salt water. It uses a membrane that's filled with lithium bromide (a "salt" in the chemical sense of the word), which absorbs moisture from the air while the computer is off and then is able to slowly "sweat" the moisture away while the computer is running. They say it can run for about 6.5 hours before needing to be recharged.

This is pretty cool for data centers which use massive amounts of power to keep everything cool, because it's passive and doesn't use any extra energy for fans or water pumps or anything. It really isn't all that great for consumer PCs though, because it's a lot easier to deal with waste heat.

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First, the IRS is doing a pilot of it's new Direct File program, which is free. Not everyone qualifies but it's worth checking:

If you don't qualify, is what I've always used. It's dead simple, especially if you don't have any weird tax situations like investment properties or inheritance or anything. It's $15 for state taxes, but federal taxes are free.

I mostly agree, but then I think about how I have a Samsung phone but can still use Google Wallet instead of Samsung Pay because it's an open ecosystem. They both push their own products, but the end user is ultimately able to use whatever product they want. This is clearly not the case for Apple, which is what I'm guessing the case is about.

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Probably not. If a virus is too deadly, it kills its hosts before it can spread. That's why SARS didn't turn into a pandemic.

Are... Are you actually suggesting that "the internet" is a viable substitute for the UN?

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Oh great, is car insurance gonna start raising premiums for people with ADHD now too?

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Yes. The main reason is that the stress response releases a bunch of hormones, specifically cortisol and adrenaline, which cause the fight-or-flight response. A side effect of this is that the body turns off (or at least, slows down) a lot of the functions it uses to take care of itself such as the immune system and digestive system. When this happens constantly over a long period, it can absolutely cause problems because your body is constantly trying to prepare to run away from some predator instead of taking care of itself.

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Look, I dislike Apple's walled-garden as much as the next guy, but let's give credit where it's due. Apple has been phenomenal at supporting its older devices, much longer than most Android manufacturers. The iPhone 7 only recently stopped getting updates, and it was from 2016. The standard for Androids is still 2 years, so when it comes to long term device support, the point undeniably goes to Apple.

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Or, hell, just add a "screenshots" folder to the repo and mention its existence in the readme.

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Funny enough, a number of years ago a giant 4chan archive surfaced which included a lot of the very first SCP posts that had been lost. It actually confirmed that 173 was posted after Blink aired, meaning it was almost certainly inspired by the episode. Not that it makes the SCP worse, but it's some interesting lore.

You will need a bank account to do pretty much anything in adult life. So, I would recommend opening an account at a local credit union. Credit unions are small and owned by their members, so they won't sell your info to anyone or send you ads. There are many other pros to using a credit union instead of a large bank, but privacy is a big one.

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There is an "Adobe Master Collection 202X" crack (where X is the current year) that includes all the current Adobe programs and a custom installer made in the style of the old Creative Suite installer. I believe it's by m0nkrus, or at least that's who uploads it to the private tracker I use. They release several new ones throughout the year so you can keep the programs up to date, and obviously the installer lets you choose which of the programs you want to install.

Holy crap! After hearing how anal Nintendo got about their character designs cause of branding after Super Paper Mario, I was positive they'd never remake this. I'm super excited!!

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Sounds like the whole McDonalds coffee burn suit. If the headlines downplay the severity of what happened and make it sound like it's just a nutjob trying to sue over a wedgie, they can get away without any PR damage.

Pretty stupid move on Bethesda's part, since they're well aware of how mods are the only reason their ancient games still get so much attention. Hell, if it wasn't for the Unofficial Patches, many of their games would be unplayable.

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You failed to include a very relevant part of information in your post: your own gender. I don't know if you omitted it on purpose, or out of obliviousness, but going on the assumption that you're a man due to your language towards women:

Did it not occur to you that a male patient could actually be acting more aggressively towards your female coworkers? That he would be less cooperative towards those "damn nagging women" than towards a man? And that the standards of what makes a male patient scary could be completely different from the perspective of a woman?

Men experience the world very differently from women, particularly when it comes to social interactions. Just because YOU haven't had too much of a problem with this patient doesn't mean that your female coworkers have experienced the same thing.

They don't really need to associate it with a specific person (although I'm sure they'd love to)- they can get plenty of data just within the context of what a single person buys in their store.

This is literally just a type of NFC. The same type of thing that's used whenever you scan your credit card or use an Amiibo. It is interesting that it doesn't use RFID standards, but conceptually it's the same idea of an ultra-low-power chip with an antenna with the only purpose being to transmit a few bytes of data when scanned.

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What Java version do you have? They switched to a much newer version of Java at some point, maybe the old versions of Minecraft are trying to use the new Java and flipping out?

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In theory, StarLink would have been faster because they use many low-orbit satellites as opposed to a handful of further-away geostationary satellites like HughesNet. But "faster speeds" isn't everything and this money is meant to expand actual broadband/optical internet.

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I love blatant racism on my funny meme page.

No, only if you've overclocked and the fault is one that could be caused by overclocking. Honestly, I think it's absolutely fair for them to not replace a CPU if you killed it yourself by running it outside of spec. Most manufacturers would just say you're SOL if your CPU dies and it's ever been overclocked, even if the issue is unrelated, so I think this is a pretty good policy for them to have.

Granted, it's possible that they could always say that it was the overclocking that killed it whenever the fuse is blown, but considering how heavily AMD leans into customer good-will and positive sentiment about the company, they will probably try their best to honor any legitimate warranty claims.

You know that you don't have to declare copyright in every comment you make, yeah? All I can think of is the "Tryin' to make a change :-/" SMS signature meme.

It completely depends on the specific video file. HEVC and AV1 are more efficient in general, but most of their benefits become apparent with 4K video, which they were specifically designed to be better at handling than AVC. It also depends on your phone's software and hardware, as it might not be fast enough to encode in real-time with higher compression settings (and you don't get to use things like 2-pass encoding which can drastically lower bitrate without sacrificing visual quality).

When the newest Paper Mario game came out, the developers said in some interviews that the reason the games style completely changed in Sticker Star and beyond is that Nintendo got super protective over how their characters are depicted. They weren't allowed to make their own variations of established Mario-world inhabitants (like a professor Goomba or a pirate Bomb-omb or a purple Kamek named Kammy), they either had to use the characters as they were (such as just "Toad", or just "Kamek") or use their own completely original designs. It's also why none of the recurring characters from past games showed up since Super Paper Mario.

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Interesting, I just read that they're opening beta testing of the ability to add all add-ons to Firefox Android again. I wonder if that's why this works, the support is already built into the beta/nightly versions of the app and changing your user agent just bypasses whatever checks they have to ensure you're enrolled in the beta test.

Maybe that's why you can't find any information about this and why it only works in the recent developer versions of the app.

While Bernie very well may not have won regardless, the whole superdelegates bullshit turned off a LOT of voters because it appeared that the DNC was overriding the will of the voters. Had they just left things alone, Clinton likely would have gotten the nomination anyway without leaving a huge voter bloc feeling bitter and resentful.

Perhaps, but Nintendo also seems happy to let people forget that the Wii U ever existed. Also, they seem to not care as much about non-piracy/CFW releated hardware mods- take the 3DS capture card as an example, AFAIK it was never targeted by Nintendo since it very clearly was not meant to facilitate piracy.

While all this is true, unfortunately not many devices support swappable 18650s, either they have swappable AA/AAA or have built-in 18650s that would require disassembly to replace. However, if you CAN find a device with swappable 18650s (the only ones I've found so far are flashlights) they're absolutely great!

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That was just part of it. The entire tech sector massively retracted after the boom it saw during COVID, which is also responsible for the sudden enshittification of so many different products/services all at once.

They don't actually provide decryption keys, the user has to either extract them from their own Switch or find them elsewhere online. However, it could be argued by Nintendo that using an unreleased game ROM for testing proves that the devs themselves were guilty of piracy, and were therefore somehow condoning the use of their emulator for piracy.

Either way, we won't know how well Nintendo's arguments would have held up in court, because the devs settled rather than fight it out.

That article is bizarre. I do admit that it's kinda weird that Google keeps messing with the image, but it's very clearly just some celestial body(s) with a ring of light around it from either a gas cloud or lens refraction.

The tone of that article almost seems schizophrenic, saying that the "the problem is that the dragon is peeking" at us and that the "censor" might be to "hide how much we know from the dragon".

Biden has shown that he is willing to change his opinions and actions when he makes a mistake. He voted for Defense of Marriage Act back in the 90's, but IIRC after he became friends with an aid who happened to be trans (yeah, trans ≠ gay, but I guess they're close enough in some people's eyes) his opinions on LGBT people changed and he now strongly supports gay marriage. Point being, he could have changed his mind about striking workers too.

He had a thing for cows. Look up "Ubre Blanca"