How's your daily commute? to Ask – 50 points –

Like the title says, share something about your daily commute :)
What do you like about it?
What do you hate about it?
What kind of advice or insights would you like to share with the rest?


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I work mostly from home, so no commute. I do pay for 2 days/wk at the co-working space either 7 or 30mi away (so 15-35min). I have an electric scooter that goes 65mph and an incredible view on my commute (see attached from Tuesday's drive), so I enjoy it and the chance to be social with the people at the cowork space.

That looks gorgeous! A good excuse to get out of the house :)
Thank you for sharing.

Is the scooter stable at 65mph? I feel like it would topple over with a strong gust of wind.

It weighs about 150lbs, I don't go max speed on windy days, but it's a nice ride