Windows 12 May Require a Subscription to – 930 points –
Windows 12 May Require a Subscription

[A]n INI configuration file in the Windows Canary channel, discovered by German website Deskmodder, includes references to a "Subscription Edition," "Subscription Type," and a "subscription status."


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Fedora is my recommendation of choice. The default Fedora + Gnome workflow out of the box is absolutely flawless.

Yeah that's the beauty of it isn't it.. a lot of distros and desktop environments to choose from; there is a flavor for anyone!

For anyone switching from windows I recommend KDE Plasma as it'll feel closest to what you are used to.

Yeah, as a Windows user it's very intuitive and easy to navigate. My only problem with KDE Plasma, and this would not prevent me from using it altogether, is that there's this relatively large hover window that pops up if you accidentally swerve the mouse over anything on the task bar, and takes a couple seconds to die. Soooooo irritating.

This hover thing would probably take thirty seconds to turn off if I knew how, but it's hard to search for when I can't figure out what it's called, and "hover" doesn't get me anything useful.

If I could turn that shit off I would have zero problems with KDE Plasma. It's a legit great interface.

Right click on the panel (Not running application) -> Task Manager Settings -> General -> uncheck "Show Tooltips"

Right click on the panel (Not running application) -> Task Manager Settings -> General -> uncheck “Show Tooltips”

I will absolutely try this as soon as I have a Plasma DE loaded again. THANK YOU. Seriously.