Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak to – 344 points –
Microsoft might want to be making Windows 12 a subscription OS, suggests leak

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Y'all really need to actually click the article and read the first sentence. This has nothing to do with Windows 12, and even Neowin has clarified that right at the top in an update.

Microsoft is a bad company, but it's a little worrying when someone can just say some random things in a title and have it be believed without question, just because it paints Microsoft in a negative light.

It's more that MS has leaned into the subscription model with Office 365 and such.

Windows is already kind of a "Freemium" OS, so I'm expecting them to continue in that fashion. Your are right, the article is mostly pointless speculation that was refuted anyways, but I'll admit it sounded a bit off to me anyways. MS wants people to be running Windows, so they can seem then GamePass subscriptions, Office365 subscriptions, and whatever other services they can think of. As such, I expect the core OS to be very free. Just what constitutes core functionality versus Premium features might change.

It is very worrying that they've detained destroyed their reputation so much that any negative news about them is automatically believable.

Let me introduce you to humans; tell them anything and at least one person will believe it. Get enough of them together and you too can have such crazy beliefs as: sky daddy is real and you make him angry, the earth is flat, the earth is a doughnut, the earth is hollow, you have 5g chips inside your body that allow you to be mind controlled, lizard people.

Need I go on?…