My Steam Deck's arriving to Steam – 36 points –

my Steam Deck's arriving soon and I'm kinda afraid about the SSD upgrade and the steps I have to do. Especially after hearing that some sticks/touchpads (I can't remember what) don't work immediately after booting into Steam OS with the new SSD.


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You're fine, just follow the iFixit guide. It's super easy. After removing the screws I pulled it apart with my fingernails, no problem. Remove screw, replace drive, put screw back in. This is like, day one stuff at a computer repair job. Again you're fine. If you can do a Lego set, you can replace the m.2 on a steam deck. Don't psych yourself out, my mother could do it.

What do I have to do to make every stick/touchpad work again? Is it enough to boot into Steam OS most tutorials don't even mention this step...

No one mentioned it because the issue is fixed automatically after updating Steam OS. I had the issue and it fixed it for me. Also, the touchscreen is still working so setting up the Wi-fi is still possible (just don't open the emoji keyboard, it won't crash your deck but an annoying error message might appear).

Mine didn't have any issues when I swapped.

I just bought a USB m.2 adapter and flashed steam OS to the drive before I ever even put it in the deck. First boot was just like booting the original drive.