can anyone tell me wtf this is? to – 399 points –

Found it dead in my dishes


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Looks like a dead centipede that got infected by a parasite in the legs

Where in the world do you live, so I can order a nuclear strike.

The Tanzanian blue ringleg occupies a cosmopolitan distribution, and is found across all major continents; however, it has not been widely documented in Europe. It is thought to be native to the majority of continental Australia (with the exception of Victoria, South Australia, and south-western Western Australia), Africa (except for the Eritrean Highlands and Red Sea Hills), most of South and South East Asia, Madagascar and Sri Lanka. The centipede has been introduced to much of the Americas, with sightings outside its native range in Peru, Mexico, Argentina, the Bahamas and the Southern United States. It has been proposed that the preference of red-headed centipedes for habitats similar to the conditions on ships has resulted in their widespread invasion of inhabited areas.

So everywhere except Europe and Antarctica