So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

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So Far, AI Is a Money Pit That Isn't Paying Off

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AI is a tool to assist plagiarize the work of creators

Fixed it

LOL OK it's a super-powerful technology that will one day generate tons of labor very quickly, but none of that changes that in order to train it to be able to do that, you have to feed it the work of actual creators- and for any of that to be cost-feasible, the creators can't be paid for their inputs.

The whole thing is predicated on unpaid labor, stolen property.

At what line does it become stolen property? There are plenty of tools which artists use today that use AI. Those AI tools they are using are more than likely trained on some creation without payment. It seems the data it's using isn't deemed important enough for that to be an issue. Google has likely scraped billions of images from the Internet for training on Google Lens and there was not as much of an uproar.

Honestly, I'm just curious if there is an ethical line and where people think it should be.