Parents told to delete social media apps to prevent kids from seeing Hamas atrocities — Facebook, X, TikTok and other social media services have been filled with graphic imagery

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 355 points –
Parents told to delete social media apps to prevent kids from seeing Hamas atrocities

Parents told to delete social media apps to prevent kids from seeing Hamas atrocities — Facebook, X, TikTok and other social media services have been filled with graphic imagery::American and Israeli parents say they have received messages from schools, temples, synagogues and peers following the Hamas terror attack urging them to delete social media applications off their kids’ phones.


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implying parents want to protect the reputation of Hamas?

Wow, you totally missed the point. OP is implying parents shouldn't be ok with Israeli violence, as well as not ok with Palestinian violence.

Edit: lol at my follow up comments being deleted. To the mod that did so, I'm sorry for pointing out the fact that the person I was replying to is either unable to comprehend basic English, or is trolling.

Because they were removed, I'll type up the sanitized version: the parent comment is pointing out the author of the article is singling out Palestinian violence, but is ignoring the violence, the genocide, being carried out by the Israeli government and the IDF.

OP is implying parents should be ok with Israeli violence, but not ok with Palestinian violence.

Parents should want their kids to see violence committed by Israel, but they should want their kids to not be able to see violence committed by Palestinians?


Because they were removed, I'll type up the sanitized version: the parent comment is pointing out the author of the article is singling out Palestinian violence, but is ignoring the violence, the genocide, being carried out by the Israeli government and the IDF.

You're still not making sense.

If this is a pro-Israel, anti-Palestinian propaganda plot, then why should parents want their kids to see the violence, the genocide, that is being carried out by the Israeli government and the IDF, but not the atrocities and the terrorism committed by the Palestinians and by Hamas?

I'm not sure how many times I can say it. The point is the singling out of one, and staying silent about the other. It's about the hypocrisy. I'm not sure why this is so difficult, friend.

It's not that you're not saying it often enough, it's that you're stopping halfway through what's being proposed here.

You're seeing it as a one-sided, negative thing for the Palestinian side that the atrocities of Hamas are being "singled out" - but you're completely ignoring the fact that they're being "singled out" in order to be hidden from children.

This means that children would never learn - at least not on their own, via social media - of these atrocities committed by Hamas. That would appear like a net positive for the Palestinian side.

You're getting caught up in the "singling out" part while ignoring the "in order to hide it from children" part.

This means that children would never learn - at least not on their own, via social media - of these atrocities committed by Hamas. That would appear like a net positive for the Palestinian side.

That's where your confusion is. This isn't to hide what's happening to make Hamas look good. This is about removing violent content. What the parent commenter and I are saying is that there's no mention of the violence the IDF are perpetrating, as if it isn't happening.

I've now reached a point where I've said it as plainly as possible. If you're still not able to comprehend what's being said after this, I don't know what else to tell you.

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Just want to point you to rule 3, that is the reason for removing the other comments.

Thanks for cleaning it up in your edit.

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